More threads by Always Changing

Having read some of the information on this.. I believe this is where I am at at the moment and also for the past week or more.
I want to apologise for not posting much on other threads, I am finding it difficult to write, I cannot seem to connect my thoughts to my feelings, even writing this I am thinking "why".
For the most part I feel totally flat, this "flatness" is getting to me in a big way now and that makes me think that this period\phase is changing to one of being depressed. I am a bit low and cannot seem to shake it off. :(

I guess the point of this is to let you all know that I am reading and I do support each of ye just not able to express that support properly at this time. :(


Resident Canuck
Hi Always Changing. I have frequent spans of time where I do not have words or I cannot concentrate well on the threads. Making it hard for me to post too.

It is no worries, we understand. Nice to see you and glad you posted to let us know.

I hope you are feeling better soon. :friends:


For the most part I feel totally flat, this "flatness" is getting to me in a big way now and that makes me think that this period\phase is changing to one of being depressed. I am a bit low and cannot seem to shake it off. :('re in a frustrating and disheartening spot right now. You've been there before, though, and you've seen the other side. Hold onto that.

You know where to find me.
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