More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Antidepressant Can Help Women Quit Smoking
May 05, 2004

BETHESDA, Md. (United Press International via COMTEX) -- A study funded by the U.S. government found that taking an anti-depressant medication may help some women kick the smoking habit.

Scientists studied a group of 314 female and 241 male smokers. They were given buprion, an anti-depressant also known as Zyban or Wellbutrin. Some were also given counseling.

The study found that women who received both buprion and counseling had quit rates as high as the men's. But women who smoked heavily were less likely to benefit than those who were light smokers. For men, heavy smokers had a better quit rate with buprion.

Generally, women who attempt to quit smoking are more likely than men to resume the habit. Researchers believe that depression and fear of weight gain may be responsible.

The investigators received funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The study was published in Nicotine and Tobacco Research.


It's funny, though... I had quit smoking, and as soon as the anti-D started to kick in, I just started smoking again, this time around like a mad woman.


From the way my doctor explained it, the whole reason why people quit on Wellbutrin/Zyban is because it makes cigarettes taste just awful. He said that it can have the same effect on food.

Course, he's been known to be wrong before.


Bupropion (Wellbutrin, Zyban)

Generally, women who attempt to quit smoking are more likely than men to resume the habit. Researchers believe that depression and fear of weight gain may be responsible.

I quit smoking by using Wellbutrin SR and it has been 2yrs on Thanksgiving. I also used a support group which I think was very beneficial to get over the 1st 4 mths of cravings. I was a moderate smoker.

I can see how easily it would be to start smoking as a result of weight gain as I did gain weight and have never had an issue with weight otherwise. I believe that weight gain, or fear of it, may be the reason that younger women do not attempt to quit smoking.

Smoking was my way of dealing with stress and I recently found myself experiencing depression as a result of I went back on Wellbutrin SR instead of back to smoking. It's a very good drug and does decrease craving for nicotine when quitting.

I would highly recommend using this drug as part of a package to quit smoking.

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