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Killed this 'little' bugger last night trying to sneak into the building when I went out for a smoke... the thing is like almost 3 inches long!

Anybody have a clue what the heck it is? Besides being one ugly looking thing! :panic:


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Google images thinks it's from the family froghoppers or spittlebugs, possibly a meadow spittlebug, but they shouldn't be that big - more like 5-7 mm.

meadow spittlebug.jpg


Thanks everyone, especially gooblax since your suggestion led me to google big cockroach and think I identified this guy (or gal)
It seems to be a
Giant Water Bug, Lethocerus americanus or Toe-Biter as they can deliver a painful bite to a foot dangling off a dock. Lives in water and can fly too to get from one water source to the other. These guys are quite predatorial.

This big ugly thing made the mistake of being in the wrong place (trying to sneak into my building) at the wrong time (when my foot swept it onto it's back) And a small rock finished it off without squishing him so I could take a picture.

Daniel E.
painful bite to a foot dangling off a dock...
These guys are quite predatorial

I, too, read they bite people quite painfully and even reportedly have occasionally killed small birds.

They are in the US, too, in case you were planning on crossing the border for relief :coffee:
Well, at least we can prepare for the cockroach uprising, now that we know where its attack squadron training camp is.


Well, at least we can prepare for the cockroach uprising, now that we know where its attack squadron training camp is.

Good one :rofl:
'Scept maybe Someone didn't read the post I made?
It seems to be a Giant Water Bug, Lethocerus americanus or Toe-Biter :panic:

Daniel E.
I do believe Gary mentioned the roaches go to swimming classes to qualify for their water bug classification.

Most of the training centers are probably in Florida swamps.


Nope cockroaches are a totally different family... they are scavengers and eat anything.
These little guys are NASTY! They go after moving prey! They paralyze the prey then ... google if you want to know more gross details of what happens next :)


I do believe Gary mentioned the roaches go to swimming classes to qualify for their water bug classification.

Most of the training centers are probably in Florida swamps.

Yup and they are most likely illegal aliens from South of the US border (Only place I know of cockroaches that big!)

Daniel E.
They are not of this world. Thanks to Wikipedia, I still have flashbacks of seeing the giant water bugs carrying thousands of their eggs on their backs :)
Nope cockroaches are a totally different family... they are scavengers and eat anything.
These little guys are NASTY! They go after moving prey! They paralyze the prey then ... google if you want to know more gross details of what happens next :)
So cockroaches = big-flat-bug air force
GIANT water bug = big-flat-bug marines

Wrong service branch, same sentiment ;)
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