More threads by Prisoner


I joined because I found a post addressing a specific problem I have that I've never been able to find help for. So I posted a long crazy reply :)

I apologize I am kind of dead inside. I wish I was as sweet as you guys seem to be. There are so many kind articulate intelligent posts. I want to be supportive but can't figure out what to reply to people, which post or subforum to reply to. My brain gets overwhelmed and shuts down. I also have issues with coping with socialization even online so I tend to quickly retreat from forums.

I apologize for being a selfish intrusion. I just had to make that long post referenced above because I am so desperate and confused.

Take care and thank you


MVP, Forum Supporter
Welcome! :)

Don't worry about being someone who only reads what goes on, or only posts things like your own questions, etc - many people feel comfortable participating in some ways but not others, and that is okay. :)

If you feel you would like to respond to others sometimes but don't really know how or feel uncertain what to say, you could even try just clicking a "Thanks" for a post you found interesting or helpful or something... but only if you want to, it is totally up to you. :)


Hi Prisoner.Welcome.

Don't worry about responding to posts. Just do what you feel comfortable doing.


MVP, Forum Supporter
(Also don't worry if you don't get a reply very quick sometimes when you ask something - it's not the hugest community and there isn't a great number of regular people who post a lot and read every day. Or even those who post a lot, might not have direct experience or knowledge in some topics that come up... Or sometimes folks are thinking of something to say, but will only get around to it when their brain is having a good moment.... we all have our 'brain shut down' moments or days, haha. But always know that people read and care for what others are going through though, and you are not being judged or ignored. Well done for the braveness of posting in a new place! :) :) Glad you found Psychlinks, there's lots of good information here. :) xx )


MHealthJo thank you for expressing that so well. I completely understand! I have trouble reading long posts yet when I want to express myself I go on for miles and can't stop. So my other post may be impossible for most people to read :). We'll see.

Thank you rdw!
Hi Prisoner i can relate to ones mind being all over the place and as stated don't worry about replying to post until you are comfortable ok welcome to PL
I can also relate to having my mind overwhelmed by too many things at once...

I have learned that if my brain/thinking is getting muddled or going off in different directions, that it's my body/mind telling me "Enough already!" Usually it means I shouldn't be focusing on other people's problems and worrying about THEM, it means I need to focus on relaxing myself and withdrawing away from other people's problems.

If you start to feel similarly, take a break from the forum. Think of it this way, if you go to a farmer's market, you can browse and not buy everything you see. lol There might be some interesting samples to taste, but you don't have to commit to buying the product. In fact, perhaps you don't have any interest in the entire selection available, and you want to just look at one thing. Otherwise you spend the entire day out there at the market, and you get sunburnt, full of mosquito bites, and then you get home and don't feel like doing anything else because you're itchy, fried and dehydrated. lol ;)

Spend a little less time in one place, and you can do other things. Free up your time and your mind. Refresh. ♥
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