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this seems to be the best forum for me to express my thoughts whenever I am able to rejoiin the "team", for it is a team, however much I am so withdrawn. I only wish others to know that my heart goes to you all. Whenever I can, I will pop in :)

I'm ok. Things happening that fill my mind but that's pretty much par for the course.

I welcome new members also. My withdrawing as I do says nothing about the value of these forums but only about my relating to things generally. These forums offer a mountain of support that is the most relevant, interesting, funny and intelligent you will find anywhere!

I congratulate those who choose to join and to participate. And I will when I can too :blush:

Again, I offer my heart to all.

For now,

(heading off immediately..)



Resident Canuck
Hi Amastie. Nice to see you again. Always take the time you need Amastie. We are always here when you are up for it.

Stay safe :friends:
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