More threads by David Baxter PhD

i find i get bored when i'm feeling blue and there is nothing i am interested in doing. almost a lack of motivation. i don't get bored often but when i do it's a drag.


On one other note, I'd have to ask if this study pays attention purely to introversive people. As I am one myself, I can testify having felt this perticular kind of boredom before, but I think there is a point where if somebody moreso extroversive is essentially starved of support for their interests or aspects of their social life, that they can become bored very quickly.

I think this is why certian cities succeed at being happy or inventive, such as certian areas of London Ontario, or cities like San Fransisco where society tends to really give itself a steady platform to leap off - Because the majority of people are quite extroverted socially and they NEED that platform in order to leap forward...
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