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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Brain Teaser to Exercise your Memory and Reasoning Skills
Dr. Pascale Michelon
Jan 23rd, 2009

As you may know, memory relies mostly on some temporal and frontal areas of the brain. These may be the areas that will get stimulated when you (assuming you are American or have lived in the US for long) try to remember the missing words in the American proverbs below.

However when it comes to internationals proverbs below you may have to use your reasoning skills more than your memory skills, as it is likely that you do not know these proverbs. In this case, the frontal exercise is more intense. Try to guess what the final words of each international proverb might be. Use your logical skills.

If you live outside the USA, your experience will probably be the reverse.

US proverbs

1. The early bird gets the ___________.
2. After all is _______ and done, more is said than __________.
3. From ___________ beginnings come great ____________.
4. Don't ___________ horses while crossing a ____________.
5. There are three kinds of _________; those that make ________ happen, those that watch things __________ and those who don't know what's _______________.
6. The frog does not ____________ the pond in which he __________.

International proverbs

1. With enough "ifs" we could put Paris into a _________. (France)
2. Write injuries in sand, kindnesses in ____________. (France)
3. A closed mouth catches no _____________ . (France)
4. Appetite comes with _______________ . (France)
5. If you are looking for a fly in your food it means that you are ___________. (South Africa)
6. Behold the iguana puffing itself out to make itself a ____________. (South Africa)
7. Milk the cow, but do not pull off the ___________. (Greece)
8. If you want to gather a lot of knowledge, act as if you are _________________. (Vietnam)


US proverbs

1. The early bird gets the worm.
2. After all is said and done, more is said than done.
3. From small beginnings come great things.
4. Don't change horses while crossing a stream.
5. There are three kinds of people; those that make things happen, those that watch things happen and those who don't know what's happening.
6. The frog does not drink up the pond in which he lives.

International proverbs

1. With enough "ifs" we could put Paris into a bottle.
2. Write injuries in sand, kindnesses in marble.
3. A closed mouth catches no flies.
4. Appetite comes with eating.
5. If you are looking for a fly in your food it means that you are full.
6. Behold the iguana puffing itself out to make itself a man!
7. Milk the cow, but do not pull off the udder.
8. If you want to gather a lot of knowledge, act as if you are ignorant.

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