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All throughout school, I had been bullied. I never knew it was called abuse, always thought it was just being picked on.

I had been beat up, had stuff taken from me, thrown down stairs, had my pants pulled down in front of everyone.

The worst part, was that I'd just be there crying. Even when they pantsed me, I'd just stand there crying, and not even be able to pull them back up. Usually a teacher or some kid that felt sorry for me would help me.

I never had really known why I was always picked on, because back then, I had felt that everyone was different. Then I learned that there were "groups and cliches" that people were part of. If you were not in them, then you were the one being bullied.


I was bullied in school also in primary a girl tried to strangle me, I remember how it felt I only recently told my parents this. Also in secondary I was basically bullied for 4 years before it eased off when a friend was moved into my form to help and we truanted a bit, no-one found out. I

I was a shy girl and so didnt stand up for myself. It was mainly name calling, getting punched in the arms in class, getting tripped up on the way to class
I never cried until by myself and never told my parents till I left school.

The thing I most regret is bullying another kid with my friend, she bullied him and I watched ,what goes around comes around I guess..
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