More threads by David Baxter PhD


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
I love it how rabbits don't just lie down - they throw themselves down. Mine does it all the time... not on my bed though! :)


Mmmm....perhaps lil' bunny got something funny mixed in with his oats this morning? Far too cute to be real!


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
Warning: overly-proud rabbit owner post coming up...

I was feeling all mushy about bunnies after watching this, and took a little clip of my rabbit... my husband thought it was cute too and put it on youtube. So here she is (very squashed-looking... apparently I should have filmed it a different way, but I'm clueless about that sort of thing).

YouTube - Pan the Bunny Loves Carrots


Resident Canuck
Awww, Pan is so cute Meg. Thank you for posting that. Looks like Pan does indeed love carrots.

Bunnies are so cute :)



I have to say that I smiled through that whole video....I absolutely LOVE Pan....she is adorable but yet seems to have a mischievous look in her eyes at times :lol: Even the crunching sound of the carrot made me was too cute.



Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
Don't encourage me too much or I'll post a hundred of them ;)

Glad you like her - she is very cute and does have a lot of personality... including a tendency to be quite mischevious, yes! I could hear her throwing a cardboard box around her hutch from where I was sitting inside this morning...


Don't encourage me too much or I'll post a hundred of them ;)

And if you posted a hundred of them I would probably watch them all...she really is adorable :D Instead of a dog I may just have to look into a bunny...although I have always secretly wanted a Mini Pot Belly Pig :blush: many animal options but definitely no fish or cats :yuck:


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
She's a good pet - nice and easy... and cute! She likes kicking mud in my face when I try to get her back inside her hutch, though. :)

I have a video of her busting out of a cardboard box somewhere. It was quite funny - the box was totally open at one end, but she seemed to forget that and thought the only way out was through the closed end. :teehee:

I never thought of having a pet pig before! Could be fun!


Resident Canuck
I thought about a pig for a bit too. Pigs are highly intelligent animals, apparently.

Maybe instead of me getting a Psychiatric Service Dog, I can see if they will train a Pot Belly Pig for me. Imagine that :lol: I would get some odd looks I am sure


I actually looked into the Mini Pot Belly Pigs but the cost is astronomical. We are talking thousands and thousands for these little guys (or gals :D ) Too bad they are so expensive because I would absolutely love one :teehee:

Now aren't these just adorable....who could say no to these :) And one of them is Pink :yahoo:


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I actually looked into the Mini Pot Belly Pigs but the cost is astronomical. We are talking thousands and thousands for these little guys (or gals :D ) Too bad they are so expensive because I would absolutely love one :teehee:

I'm surprised they are so expensive....just the upfront purchase cost, or the ongoing care costs? Last year a coworker was fostering a pig for a rescue organization and she had nothing but good things to say about her (well, except you apparently don't want to feed an indoor pig corn....the previous owner had fed her a corn diet and the results of this are quite messy...:teehee:) She asked me if I was interested in adopting her but my cat was kind enough to let me get a rabbit and a dog - I think she'd draw the line at a pig.


Mmmm... roast pork with pumpkin pie for dessert... :homer:

Oh you are terrible :smack: How could you think such awful things about such a cute little piggy.

I'm surprised they are so expensive....just the upfront purchase cost, or the ongoing care costs?

Yes they are quite expensive just the upfront cost. The highest I have seen for one is about $4,500.00 but that was for a Teacup one, then there are the Minatures which are slightly cheaper somewhere around $2,500 - $3,000

I am sure there are probably other "not so reputable" places that sell them but I wouldn't want to take my chances on them.

But I do love their little adorable faces :D
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