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Each year Mclean?s gives Canadian University Rankings covering areas such as grade distribution, graduation percent, awards available, class size, staff qualifications, facilities, and fees. It would be interesting to see university rankings in such areas as safety, security, and health provisions for both physical and mental health. How about a list of the number of deaths and the causes of death at each university?

The October 2009 issue of Reader?s Digest has a very good article on ?Protecting Our Kids on Campus? by Erin Millar. Part of the article covers the death of Nadia Kajouji who died while attending Carlton University. I mention her name because the circumstances surrounding her death are very similar to that of my son who died while attending York University. The major difference being that there was no news coverage of my son?s death because his body was found within hours of his death.

York University only offered support to my family after I requested it. The reason given to me was that they thought because my son died by suicide that I would want to keep his death a secret. The university did provide support after I challenged that assumption. How many universities want media coverage on the number of students they lose each year to suicide? Right now many universities are hiding behind the Privacy Act and it is good to see an article that challenges that. The article is twelve pages so I will provide a link for anyone interested. - Magazine : Protecting Our Kids on Campus
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