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To the point you really don't particularly like their company. It may be an obvious answer, but I need to ask. I am in such a confused limbo :hopeless:

Daniel E.
People feel that way about family members all the time, including spouses on the brink of divorce.


I think so. I love my best friend but I can't stand being around her because I don't like the person she has changed into.:shock4:
I'm sure that will change again though.

I don't know if that is what you were looking for lol A little comment from the peanut gallery.:blush:


Thanks. :)

I know that can be the case with family members for sure. I'm just trying to sort through my feelings about my husband. Been struggling with it for a few years. I love him, care about him but I cannot enjoy his company. There are too many things that have taken a lot of respect for him away. It started after my parents passed away. Well, really since my Mom died. She was my "buffer".



"Don't know what ya got..." seems to hold true. My wife drives me crazy sometimes, and there are times I don't enjoy her company (nothing wrong with her, I have my own issues to work through), but a little time apart makes me realize how much I love her.


I wish that was my case. When my husband had to be out of town for work (here and back for two years), I loved it. First time I had ever been on my own actually. I'm very independent and need my space. In a couple of days, once the bills are paid, I'm staying at a hotel for a couple of days.


Yes you can love someone and hate them at the same time! Theres a few people in my life at the moment I feel this way about:)
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