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Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
Hi guys,

I've been invited to a costume party next weekend and the theme is 'Canada'. I wouldn't have a clue what to wear and I was hoping somebody might be able to come up with some suggestions. I am willing to invest some effort, so please don't hold back on the grounds that it might be too complicated! :)

Help? :canadian:


Account Closed
:lol: That's wonderful Meg. Who knew that we were this popular?

For Canadian history purposes..I'm thinking Maliseet tradition, or Migmah (micmac)...Or the Acadian tradition...

Any of these would be a good representation of Canadian background...If you do a search on images on any of these, you should find some ideas on costumes...

Have a great time Meg! :)


Hey Meg,

That`s cool! There are options from the simple to the exreme...a couple things that come to mind...

You could just wear red and white (colours of our flag).
You could dress like a cowboy (Heart of the West, Calgary Stampede, all that stuff!)
You could go with a Native theme as Jazzey suggests.

Those are all the ideas I have...I`m kinda boring - I`d probably do the red and white thing myself :teehee:

Have fun!


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
The party is for a man who came to our university from the US for a semester and has been going to my church. I'm actually a little worried that someone has mistaken his country of origin when they chose the theme! Never mind, Canada it is, so I'll be doing my best to be as Canadian as possible!

I will definitely look up those suggestions, thanks Jazzey :)

I was also wondering if there is a sort of stereotypical Canadian? In Australia we have the beer-swilling-slang-spouting-blue-singlet-stubby-short-and-akubra-wearing-yobbo stereotype... is there a Canadian equivalent?

Thanks for extra ideas Turtle and NicNak - those are good ideas, and I'll make sure to say "eh?" after every sentence! I'll also tell Jono to make sure he puts up an appropriate 'Washroom' sign :teehee:


Resident Canuck
I was also wondering if there is a sort of stereotypical Canadian? In Australia we have the beer-swilling-slang-spouting-blue-singlet-stubby-short-and-akubra-wearing-yobbo stereotype... is there a Canadian equivalent?

Stereotypical Canadians are beer drinking, lumber jack types who play ice hockey and hunt for Moose. :lol:

I read too on another page, and it is true now that I think of it, but never found it odd. A washroom as we call it, has a toilet and a sink only. A bathroom has a bathtub too, so if "washroom" has a bathtub as well, we would call it a "bathroom"


Resident Canuck
I just thought of this too.

Aparently we say "about" funny too. We say it how most hear "aboot"

I am sure like the others, I will think of some more.

this song has some stereotypes too. It is a parody from Weird Al, called Canadian Idiot. Origionally was done by Green Day, American Idiot.

YouTube - Canadian Idiot by Weird Al Lyrics


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
Hmm, well, we'd call it a bathroom as well. We don't have anything we'd call a washroom though, so maybe just in the spirit of things we might take some foreigners' licence :)

I wonder if I could pull off the lumberjack moose-hunting ice-hockey player. It's quite cold at the moment, so at least I'd get to wear a big jacket! Haha, maybe my husband could be the moose :lol:

(Did I mention that hubby and I have a bit of a reputation for crazy costumes?)

Love the video :)


I just realized too...that everyone seems to think we all live in igloos, drive skidoos, and hunt for our dinner. So I guess you could go as one of our Inuit friends - wear your parka and carry your harpoon with pride!


Account Closed
...You can always do what a good friend of mine did - she dressed up like a cowboy (boots, hat and necktie) and painted her neck red..."red neck".:lol: - this is the stereotypical Canadian. :)

Off the top of my head, this is all I can come up with though..Honestly though, the aboriginal tradition / and acadian tradition.... is really at the core of our history...In your shoes, I would probably lean towards the aboriginal tradition...That's the strongest, oldest tradition we have...

Let me know what your thoughts are Meg. I'm thinking of Louisbourg...A historical site around these parts. Historically speaking the aboriginals kept us alive - and then there was the Acadian dispersion (they were sent back to France or to Louisiana (giving rise to the Cajuns))...So a costume rooted in Acadian traditions would also be appropriate...

:hug: :flowers:


Resident Canuck
Maybe cause it is warm we forgot.

Maple Syrup


Back Bacon as I always knew it as. Pemeal or as our American friends call it "Canadian Bacon"


Account Closed
...Ok Stereotypes in play..And i'm not proud of this...plaid hunter's jacket, baseball cap on the head, and steel toed shoes on the feet....And NO - I would NEVER date any of these characters! ....Ever! :lol: (Especially if they drove a 1/2 ton Ford pickup - who would do that? :))

And here I was trying to keep this on a purely historical, romanticized - version...Darn you all! :D


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
Well I'm pretty sure I don't own a 'parka' - is it just like a rain-proof jacket or does it have to be thick and puffy or something?

A flannie might be easier to come across... I looked up the lumber hats too and that'd be funny, I'm just not sure where I'd find one. I suppose there might be a pattern for one at one of the big material stores.

Oh Jazzey, I can totally see my husband doing the redneck thing... that's definitely his style of humour. Thanks for the aboriginal ideas too, I'll definitely keep it in mind. I found some nice images on google.

I looked up the McKenzie brothers as I had absolutely no idea who they were and just about got my socks scared off me when they started yelling out of my speakers :). Once I recovered they seem pretty funny!


Resident Canuck
...Ok Stereotypes in play..And i'm not proud of this...plaid hunter's jacket, baseball cap on the head, and steel toed shoes on the feet....

You just discribed my dad to a "t"

:lol: :funny: :rofl:


Account Closed
Well I'm pretty sure I don't own a 'parka' - is it just like a rain-proof jacket or does it have to be thick and puffy or something?

A flannie might be easier to come across... I looked up the lumber hats too and that'd be funny, I'm just not sure where I'd find one. I suppose there might be a pattern for one at one of the big material stores.

Oh Jazzey, I can totally see my husband doing the redneck thing... that's definitely his style of humour. Thanks for the aboriginal ideas too, I'll definitely keep it in mind. I found some nice images on google.

I looked up the McKenzie brothers as I had absolutely no idea who they were and just about got my socks scared off me when they started yelling out of my speakers :). Once I recovered they seem pretty funny!

...Yes Meg, I still have nightmares about the McKenzie brothers...It's all part of my PTSD :lol: (ok - kidding) - but I'm still embarrassed that they're part of our history. "Kids in the Hall" - now that I can be ok with in terms of Canadian comedy... :D

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I was searching for videos for my list and then actually cleared it all by hitting "Back" and had to start over... Jazzy beat me to it I see but you can go back and see my selections now. :D
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