More threads by Cat Dancer

Does that make sense? I'm really anxious right now and reading about relaxation techniques and trying them, but I am freezing and can't seem to warm up. I had an electric blanket, but it isn't working anymore. :(

Could being cold a lot make anxiety worse or is that a silly thought? I do try to dress in layers, long sleeve shirt, sweatshirt or sweater and pants of course and wear socks.

This is probably just silly.
Were you outside for a while and got chilly? Or just sort of hanging out indoors when you got cold?

Just wondering because if you can't warm up/relax muscles from cold (from outside) maybe you have some mild hypothermia? In which case I would go jump in a hot shower!

On the other hand if you're just chilled and can't warm up and even doing some quick cardio like jumping jacks or running on the spot, maybe it's a hypo-thyroid or some other body function that isn't behaving... Even a cold or flu coming on might make you FEEL cold from a really high fever. Got a thermometer around?

If it persists, I would go to a doctor, walk-in or something to see what's the deal. I can't stand being cold, especially if I am already anxious and my muscles are tight, being colder makes me shiver where my muscles are tightening up further.

If you are actually cold, try a hot beverage or hot soup... If you aren't cold but just feel your muscles are really really tight, try stretching or a hot bath or some way to relieve the tension. If a thermometer shows you have a fever, you might actually do better to call the doctor and make yourself cooler, like shut off that electric blanket and bring your fever down with ice water or something. Splash cold water on your face, get an ice pack or something, take something like Tylenol that might help you bring down your temperature...

Hope this helps a little!
Thanks. We got stuck out in the snow and had to walk home a little ways and it was wet and cold. Thanks so much for the suggestions. I think a hot drink and maybe sticking a blanket in the dryer and warming it up to warm me up will help a lot. I just feel SO tense when I'm cold. I guess that's normal for everyone.


It could be something as simple as not being able to concentrate and relax if you have to deal with an unpleasant stimulus. I get anxious and irritable if it's really humid because it's harder to breathe and stay energized, for instance. Getting comfortable for de-stressing exercises sounds like the right thing! :)


MVP, Forum Supporter
Blood sugar level when out of whack can make you feel like this

If I have not eaten for a while and am also either outside walking or doing anything strenuous I can start to feel a bit like this as your body is a bit under pressure and there is no immediate nourishment.

I could be anxiety at being stuck outside?

I don't do well under this situation either my homing beacon goes on and that is it I NEED home... it could be a mixture of factors?

Hope your all toasty and relaxed now anyways!


MVP, Forum Supporter
Yes, hope you are feeling more comfortable now Cat Dancer... I have the opposite problem this time of year, so much unbearable heat. I do think physical discomfort probably makes it hard to relax or perhaps concentrate on the thing you want to concentrate on or do.... It is like an uncomfortable, distracting stimulus.

Mm, hot baths are wonderful when you can't seem to warm up, and I really liked the other suggestions too. :)
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