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Or something along those lines.

My sleep pattern has been messed up for a while now, I've told my doctor about this since day 1 of seeing him and having been taken into the emergency room back end of January. Just NOW he has finally decided that maybe I need something to help me sleep.

Well I've been on Zopiclone for almost a month now...not quite, I'm to take 1 - 2 pills nightly, though it says when needed :| and they're 7.5 mg tablets. They don't least they don't help me sleep. I get dizzy and get horrible migraines when I take them, and I get that unfortunate metallic taste and dry mouth from it. I can take them and even after 4 hours not be asleep or even remotely tired, which when not sleeping for 2 - 3 days in a row is a little terrifying.

I'm not sure why it's not working, I've NEVER been on any kind of sleeping pill before in my life. I hate them, I hate the thought of them, but if they're necessary I'm willing to try them. I'm going out on a limb and wondering if there's anything else I can do? I feel silly taking them 4-5 hours before I want to sleep especially for the chance they might not work.

All I want to do is sleep.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Re: Can't Sleep.... Clown's will eat me?

Best bet would be to let your doctor know so he or she can decide on an alternate treatment. My sympathy to you - sleep problems are difficult to deal with.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Can't Sleep.... Clown's will eat me?

I agree with RDW. There are alternatives and if zopiclone isn't working for you you need to switch to something else.
agree Imovane is just not for you hun Call your doctor and ask for something different ok I hope the next sedative works better hugs


Taste disturbance (metallic taste) is a side effect of Imovane, and some people seem to experience a so-called paradoxical effect to the medication, so instead of calming and inducing sleep, they become stimulated and hyper sensitive to their environment.

I've NEVER been on any kind of sleeping pill before in my life. I hate them, I hate the thought of them,

Some people feel this way because of stories about very primitive medications used for sleep in the early part of the last century that caused serious side effects, not the least of which was addiction.

Compounds like those are never used in today's medicine, and sleep medications (hypnotics) have been designed to induce good quality sleep, with minimal interference with REM sleep, the sleep component necessary for good quality sleep. When used as directed by your doctor, they should help you get through the difficult period for which you are receiving treatment, and allow you to regain your strength to deal with your outstanding issues.

Good sleep is the most important part of recovery, so do some research with reliable and credible sources about modern sleep medications, to help re-orient your thinking so your concerns can be allayed. Discuss your options with your doctor, explaining the difficulties you have experienced with your Imovane prescription, and ask about what other options are available to you.

Used as directed, today's medications are safe, but everyone responds differently, so you need to keep the line of communication open with your doctor, to report any problems you experience, so your doctor can make the required modifications or changes.
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