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I am currently not in a mood swing for the past month or so. So I go to the p/doc today...talked to him about anxiety again and he says its agoraphobia (I totally agree). Then he said I could try Celexa...he even said it might make me manic. (BP1) Ok #1 I do not want to take something I have to take EVERYDAY for anxiety...(my philosophy, least drugs possible) #2 if it might make me manic NFW, I don't care if I can stop taking it and all that...I have to then deal with the damage and possibly rebound depression. I don't like what happens when I'm manic. Other drugs that effect seratonin have always made me manic (like Tramadol, SAMe, LSD). I don't want to play with that.

To make matters worse, I told him I didn't want it and he insisted on writing it anyway so I could try it if I want. Ok fine if he feels it could help but I don't want it and told him why. And why should I have to wait until my next appointment in 3 months to try some other med? I am so sick of this agoraphobia, I'm a prisoner and have no friends, no job. Sick of it! Actively doing CBT for it and its a very slow process I need some help for certain situations...I'm feeling so frustrated!!!

I don't know what I should have said to him? I made an appointment with my therapist to talk about it. I hate it when people blow me off.

That is hard hun i know sometimes the pdoc just does not want to hear what you have to say. He feels it may help this medication but it is your choice whether to take it or not. Hard call hun i understand your point of view i do but if you are not feeling well maybe try medication and see what happens it may just help hun if not you can always stop it when you see your doc next Definetly talk to your therapist okay
I don't feel comfortable taking that when there's other meds you can take AS NEEDED. I also just recently have been stable, I really don't want to be manic again (I would be fun but not in the long run). I'm definitely talking to my therapist next week...I got an appointment.

Daniel E.
I don't feel comfortable taking that when there's other meds you can take AS NEEDED.

I am the opposite. I would rather take something everyday than have to think -- and possibly ruminate -- about it ("should I or shouldn't I?").
LOL See my thing is I already take lots of lithium everyday, I have to but its not good for my health. I only have anxiety/panic out of the house in certain kinds of I'd rather for health sake among other reasons, take something then. As I get better with therapy I take it less and less...say the celexa worked, then how would I fix the problem with CBT if I am always protected and not taking any risks? I only want to take something for the worst of times.

Daniel E.
say the celexa worked, then how would I fix the problem with CBT if I am always protected

"Fortunately," medication doesn't work that well (like in the TV commercials).

and not taking any risks?

Wouldn't you be taking more risks if you had less anxiety?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I don't feel comfortable taking that when there's other meds you can take AS NEEDED. I also just recently have been stable, I really don't want to be manic again (I would be fun but not in the long run). I'm definitely talking to my therapist next week...I got an appointment.

One problem is that medications you take "as needed" tend to have a potential for addiction, which is why generally doctors prefer to prescribe the non-addictive daily medications.


celexa has a big black box in the pdf announcing it can make you feel suicidal. My pdoc told me this after I stopped the med without her permission because I was about to leave this world, didn't want to and didn't know why I felt a compulsion to!!!!!

after telling me it was a known side effect, she said because I had it - I must be bipolar! and insisted on a new med. FOR REAL? I have been seeing you for over a year and I had a suicidal crash side effect from a known med sideeffect and you are choosing NOW to make me take another med you have never insisted on before? with a dx. you have never considered before?

wow. I said no.

she fired me.

what happened to my right to self-determination. Can't my body just take a break from more and more meds when I have had this bad side effect taht almost killed me. Literally. I was fine in the am and a serious plan that night. survived by the skin of my teeth. and btw, within 5 days of going off of it, the suicidal feelings were gone.

and also, I tried to see her before going off of it. said I was in crisis- which I was. She couldn't even talk to me on the phone and couldn't see me for two weeks. I had no choice but to go off of it myself. I knew it was this med which had been doubled in dose the week previous.

the less meds the better for me as well but I am finding some help now (a full year later and a new dr.) with a low dose of - a very very very low does of respiridol. it just removes that overwhelmed feeling even tho I am not psychotic. I hate that I esp hate being on meds of this catagory and love that it's helping. Sometimes, we just need to find the right drug even if we are against it inside. Sometimes I just need to get out of my own way.

I am still NOT bipolar tho. btw, because it was a clinic, I also lost my medical and dental care there. and was 6 months without a dr. again. no thyroid treament which almost ended with a thyroidectomy all because I refused lamictil which I did not need and well, there's more. it was a long story i won't bore you. I already have a seizure disorder and don't need to start messing with that now and get that active again you know? I hate medicine and the power they have over us so often. fortunately for me, I am a nurse so I know how these drugs interact. but dr's hate nurses for pts. How can "knowledge" ever be bad I wonder? I have now found a dr who likes the fact that I am a nurse. yeah.

I support you in the right to make your own choices and wish you well with dealing with your anxiety. I take buspar 20 mg three times a day for anxiety and it's making my life way more manageable. it's cheap, it's NOT addictive and it works. I prefer old drugs to designer drugs. they've been better tested and have way less side effects and as I always say "as a species, we have not changed since the 70's....but because they are so cheap, the drug companies don't want them perscribed. Just compare ambien to dalmane. (sleep meds.) dalmane just makes you sleep, and costs $3 for 30 pills. it doesn't make you drive without remembering you have driven.

sometimes, I need to just find what works for me and have a better life. I need meds taht both work and are financially accessable. I am getting help with the respiridol and I am beyond filled with gratitude for that.

You know, funny you mention the ambien...I have a prescription for that too but afraid to take it so guess does me no good. I have it prescribed enough for me to be completely dependent and take them every tell me why they can't give me a little ativan (fast/short acting right?) for the agoraphobia??? Why risk mania with an anti depressant and why have me take some drug every day instead of as needed? I'm on lithium, we know its not healthy but I need it...unfortunately there is nothing less worse that works for me. So I take that every day.

The thing about the Celexa, I have bipolar 1 and tend to get manic way more than depressed...I have just recently been stable, no idea how long this will last yet. Think I should take an antidepressant?:eek:mg: I must be stupid because I don't get it.
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