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trying hard take each day as it comes My psychologist says im grieving yes perhaps im so many things will be changing soon to many and lol i am not one for change at all

I am told i am strong i can adapt i suppose i have over years but i am moving soon to a different home my girl will be moving on i hope into her own place i am so sad and so afraid


MVP, Forum Supporter
I believe you have the strength to adapt forgetmenot.

And you seem to be someone who is very good at staying connected and involved with loved ones. That will serve you really well. xx


Change is scary forgetmenot but your right, you are strong and have adapted to many difficult things over many years. I hope the move goes well and I hope your daughter finds herself a place she can make her own. Keep your head up and use your psychologist and us here for support. :support:
Ya i will have to use supports for sure to get me through the changes
It is all so scary change it makes me want to run you know and hide like i use to do as a child but i know i am not her anymore so i have to keep me not being so anxious and afraid

I wish i could just go somewhere until it all happens selling things in my home now trying to downsize

I know life is about changing i know that i do wish i could oh not be so afraid not be so sad change can be good right it can be positive it can just keep saying that

I am sorry i am just trying to let some of all this build up inside me out

i will be also be retiring soon so that common space that grounded me will be gone i don't know what will happen to me or my girl even i just know change has to happen for her to grow

I will just take one day at a time like i have been doing and when it gets all to confusing and all to dark then i will reach out i will thanks
Talk to my therapist after a long time not seeing him because of holidays My thoughts have not be good thoughts fear always seems to take me away He assure me i will get through all the changes and that these thoughts are depression he says.

I think it is i am just so tired of living just tired of adapting and yes i know that is what life is adapting really to all the changes that happen.

I don't know if i am depressed really i just feel so tired and selling everything and im just tired Just have to get through till end of February then maybe i can figure out something Homewood is always an option i guess distance away from everything everyone but that is just running away again

I don't know why separation it is not a good thing it never was
Illness still running so high in my family it is so hard to see and not be able to help brings back that hopeless feeling i had when i was young

i just don't know how to help anymore tired
I am someone oh god and soon i will not even be that

change either you adapt or you don't lets hope i can do this yet again
i just wish all these emotions would leave me be
Getting so much more difficult to stay in control

getting old really sucks you know you have so much wisdom yet you don't have any energy to follow through with what needs to be done

Choices my choices mine alone i still have that control


MVP, Forum Supporter
I am sorry you are suffering, you are so kind to everyone. I am glad you went to talk to someone and I hope things improve soon.


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner

Now might be a good time to plan to do some things that you enjoy? It's important to have some things to look forward to at times like these and they can help to recharge your batteries a bit, too.
There is no time hun to many ill so many appointments dates times just one thing after another im sorry just don't see any light right now but maybe in future things will change thanks
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