More threads by batteredchildhood

Hello everyone, Just the kind of forum I required after 42 years in this world.

Was battered both physically and mentally, comparison with other kids, etc., by my father till my 9th grade, no help later on too, either to complete my education or to settle down in life.

I struggled to get higher education on my own and somehow suceeded.

This led me to show anger on my books, However now I have somehow coped up in life and starting afresh, but the fear of failure lingers on, and I have a strange problem:

a) I tend to put full trust in anyone who shows even the slightest hint of helping me in anyway, this has lead me to become being exploited by many.
b) I tend to overwork and be obssesed by perfection.
b) I hate being slighted by anyone OR anyone telling lies OR anyone being corrupt

Please help me understand myself.

warm regards


Welcome, BC!

Pleasure to have you here with us. You may find that there are few of us with similar backgrounds, working towards understanding ourselves and those around us. :)


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Hi BC,

Welcome. :welcome:

Although we don't provide counselling we do provide plenty of support. When you have a bit of time you may want to check out some of the sections of the site.

Glad you found us. :)


Hi and welcome to Psychlinks. :)

I tend to put full trust in anyone who shows even the slightest hint of helping me in anyway, this has lead me to become being exploited by many.
Looks like we have something in common.

Hi and welcome to Psychlinks. :)

Looks like we have something in common.


Dear Gene

Thanks, I was thinking that I am the only cursed one,

I don't blame myself, its not us who are responsible for our present status, however it is difficult to merge into society, I have come to understand that most people dont give a hoot to put blame on others, neither they accept their faults.

Honesty and rightfulness are the true pillars of my ethics, I do not budge from it, come what may. I accept my faults and say sorry, that does not pay in the short run, but is very useful in the long run, my daughter appreciates it and that gives me lots of hope.

But still depression hits hard sometimes and a wave of sadness seeps through, that I could have been better off in life.

With no support of my wife, only my daughter is my hope.

Kids do not know wrong from right, they have to be nurtured and explained.

Keep in touch.


Welcome aboard batteredchildhood:thewave:

Honesty and rightfulness are the true pillars of my ethics, I do not budge from it, come what may. I accept my faults and say sorry

Wow...these are the values that I too adhere to and whished more people would adhere to. I guess it also means integrity. Its much more easier when you are true to yourself and other. Anything else is bs.


Hi BC,

Welcome to the forum.

I tend to put full trust in anyone who shows even the slightest hint of helping me in anyway, this has lead me to become being exploited by many.

I tend to go the opposite way of trusting. I have difficulty trusting people. It takes me a long time to trust anyone. And even after a while, it is difficult.

I know you will find many in here that are in the same situation as you are, and it will be so helpful for you to talk to others. This is a great place to be.

Once again, welcome!


Welcome BC:support: I am here whenever you need me, feel free to pm me

I find it hard to trust people and make friends consequently it takes me a while to get settled into new jobs.

I hope you find the help you need here:)
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