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Daniel E.
Comments in reaction to the 2007 BBC article Chocolate 'better than kissing':

The tests are not the accurate really because if i had the choice of kissing my partner or chocolate, I am sure the chocolate would win but if you gave me Al Pacino to kiss the results would be very different.
Sue Hedges, Bristol

In my opinion these scientists have underrated the effects...I'd say chocolate is probably at least 10 times better than any other known form of stimulation in existence. And the only thing better than a bar of chocolate is two bars of chocolate!
Katharine Arnold, London

Of course chocolate is better than kissing! It is guaranteed to taste better every time - which, in my experience, is more than can be said for some passionate kisses!
Deborah Carrel, Bridgwater Somerset

I can only draw 2 conclusions from that! They're not kissing the right person..OR...I SO want some of that chocolate if it's really true!
Chad, London

From my experience kissing always beats the chocolate bar, maybe I'm choosing the wrong chocolate!
Kelly Gara, Cheshire

Obviously none of them had kissed my gorgeous wife.
Kev, Stoke

Chocolates kinda makes me fat though - but kissing seems to help me lose weight.
Calvin, New York, USA

You will always remember your first kiss not your first chocolate.
Musah Haruna, Slough

I don't know, a passionate kiss, vs. lovely dark chocolate . . . It depends who I'm kissing. There are kisses I can still remember, but I can't remember a single bar of chocolate, and I'm a choc-oholic!
Kathryn Leeson-Kight, Ex Pat British Living in USA

Well I am a girl and therefore a huge chocolate fan however recently I have found that I get a much bigger buzz from kissing my boyfriend, however this is a new relationship so that may be the reason why, after a few months I might have to resort back to chocolate!

Natalie Stewart, Lincoln, UK
It seems that the only solution to this problem of choice, of kissing versus chocolate, is chocolate flavoured lipstick for girls and boys. :) colored for girls and transparent for boys.


Good Fun!
Speaking of chocolate, I ate 4 home-made Nanaimo Bars for supper last night.

The only kiss I've given in a while is to my dog, Tina, and she doesn't care if I eat chocolate or chicken, and a little slobber is ok with her too!
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