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I need to replace the clipboard extender I've been using which has become corrupted and cannot be corrected despite re-installation.

A clipbook extender is a program that stores several copied items (on the hard drive) which can be later retrieved and pasted directly from the clipboard extender.

Some freeware versions of clipboard extenders are available (Google Search) but my concern about freeware is that it may include malware or spyware.

How can I verify if a freeware program is clean?

Daniel E.
Some freeware versions of clipboard extenders are available (Google Search) but my concern about freeware is that it may include malware or spyware.

How can I verify if a freeware program is clean?

All the freeware/shareware at is verified (to some degree, at least) to be clean.


Resident Canuck
All the freeware/shareware at is verified (to some degree, at least) to be clean.

I agree with Daniel. Any freeware etc I download I take only from

I have never had any problems with the programs they have there, so far.


Thanks for the suggestions. I'm trying M8 Free Multi Clipboard to see if it suits my needs. It looks interesting and may just do what I want.

One of my specific tasks is pasting meta data information into the tracks of my music collection, in bulk processing.

I'll let you know in a few days if this fits the bill.



The final conclusion is I decided to keep M8Free Clipboard. I've used it for making bulk entries using the Form Fill feature, which allows entries to be made in a number of fields of a page, moving the curser automatically to the next field when an entry is made.

This in itself is a valuable feature for the work I do with metadata in music tracks.
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