More threads by Daniel E.

Misreading of the day: "Convection Ovens vs. Air Fryers" = "Oilers vs. Flyers".
I swear I am actually Australian.


Misreading of the day: "Convection Ovens vs. Air Fryers" = "Oilers vs. Flyers".
I swear I am actually Australian.

Technically it not THAT funny but somehow I can’t get this one out of my mind and crack up laughing each time I come back to read it :)

resistance is futile young Aussie, you shall be assimilated :rofl:

Daniel E.
It made me check to see if I wrote "convention" oven.
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Technically it not THAT funny but somehow I can’t get this one out of my mind and crack up laughing each time I come back to read it :)

resistance is futile young Aussie, you shall be assimilated :rofl:
I was even more disturbed to note that my favourite composer is Canadian.

Daniel said:
It made me check to see if I wrote "convention" oven.

Nope, I just shouldn't be allowed to read while tired.


Now if you didn’t read and especially post about it when tired think of all the laughter therapy you be preventing me getting FREE!

Who beith this world famous composer you mentioned?
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