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Does anyone else like to cook in their free time? I got into the habit of trying out cooking during this past fall when I started medication. I found that when I first started taking my meds and my body was still adjusting to them, I was experiencing a lot of fatigue and the general feeling of lacking energy or physical strength. I ended up staying home from classes on occasion because I was too tired or needed to 'save up' my energy for work. I decided to start cooking more often so that on days where I felt fatigued I could at least be productive in some way.

If anyone else likes to cook or wants to try, I love looking up and trying new recipes. :)

To start, here's a quick pasta I love making. Instructions are a little 'on the fly' because I don't generally measure when I make this, eheheh.

  • whole wheat spaghetti, I usually only need part of a package because I usually just make this for myself. Let's say no more 50g - pasta expands so much when you cook it anyway!
  • 1/2 cup vodka sauce
  • 1 container bocconcini cheese
  • 2 tablespoons sundried tomato
  • 1 artichoke heart, sliced into bite size chunks. (I usually buy mine in a jar from the grocery store ready to go)
  • small dish of olive oil and balsamic vinegar
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/4 cup broccoli (optional)

Boil water and cook pasta until limp, drain water. Add vodka sauce, sundried tomato, and artichokes and simmer on medium heat for approx. 8 minutes or until sauce is evenly coating everything. In a small dish, mix oil and vinegar and soak 4-5 balls of bocconcini until surfaces are coated. Put pasta on dish and top with cheese.

Optional side: boil 1/2 cup of broccoli in an inch of water and a teaspoon of garlic powder for 5-6 minutes and drain, season with salt, pepper and a splash of lemon juice.

Anyone else got any eats they love making? :D
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