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Hi guys. I have a request for those who also have issues with procrastination. There's days when I just want to do nothing, even though I know that I have a lot of things to do. This isn't just during a depressive phase either. After going to my pdoc, I had my meds raised just a little, and I"m finding I'm experiencing a much more stable mood than I was before. So that is going well for me. But I have problems with getting myself to do anything. I'm really trying hard when it comes to homework for school, but sometimes its like I just don't want to do it so bad that I just procrastinate, and then I totally forget about it all together. And going to class is irritating because it frustrates me the way that we learn. There's a lot of group work that is done in class, and the material is repetitive beyond reason. So I get frustrated with going to class and it feels like punishment to go. I prefer to hear lectures on information related to the readings, not do group presentations in class on the material we read the night before. Anyone have any suggestions or ideas as to how to get around these feelings? It's been suggested by a few informed professionals that I get on a mild anxiolytic for the daytime to be able to quiet my mind enough to get through class without having an anxiety attack out of frustration. I just don't want to be there. I will go to school for class, and just totally miss class and sit and study at school. I'm trying to not make excuses, but it's hard after making excuses for so long.
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