More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Corey Hart was a major star in Canada and the US in the 1980s. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame yesterday and performed some of his hits at the ceremony:

Here's one you may remember, introduced by Sarah McLachlan:

And another hit you may remember:

He's an interesting guy. He put his career as a performer on hold after in the mid-1990s after he and his wife, Julie Masse, started their family, daughters India (born in 1995), Dante (born in 1997) and River (born in 1999), and son Rain (born in 2004). His rationale was that he wanted Julie to continue her performing career but didn't want his children left to be raised by others.

All I had ever wanted or known since I was a boy was to be creating music. But I couldn't continue to record or tour if I aspired to be a 24/7 father to our children. The two worlds simply collide.[32]

But he continued to write music for others including his wife, Julie, and others like Celine Dion, and more recently he has returned to recording and performing.

Here's a performance from the 1980s which he didn't write - it was written in 1961 and recorded famously by Elvis Presely - but his version quickly became my favorite version of the song:

He's an interesting guy. He put his career as a performer on hold after in the mid-1990s after he and his wife, Julie Masse, started their family, daughters India (born in 1995), Dante (born in 1997) and River (born in 1999), and son Rain (born in 2004). His rationale was that he wanted Julie to continue her performing career but didn't want his children left to be raised by others.

But he continued to write music for others including his wife, Julie, and others like Celine Dion, and more recently he has returned to recording and performing.


Thanks for the awesome Juno recap about Corey Hart! He kinda looks like my husband, except my David lost his hair since he had the chemo. But it used to be all blond & spiky like C. H. lol

I had heard he went on to produce and write songs for other artists, but I hadn’t realized it was because he chose to raise his children and let his wife continue her career! Daaaamn, he was ahead of his time! Not too many guys would do that! Lucky family!

My admiration for the guy shot up several notches.

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