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I've never been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD but it dawned on me the other day that I might have some symptoms of it. I don't know how many of those symptoms are ones that everyone experiences or part of my depression or if they are perhaps linked to something like ADD/ADHD.

I'm still taking 300mg of Effexor on a daily basis in addition to 10mg of Elavil every night, but still find myself struggling to organize my thoughts and my life. I greatly struggle with routine and organizing my daily activities. I struggle with time and always have. I seem to get overwhelmed and confused with paper work and feel like all the things I need to get done are swirling around in my head. And they won't stay still long enough for me to make a linear list out of them. Even if I do manage to make a list, I lose it, lol. I seem to function predominantly in one of two states...completely enthralled with something to the point of not recognizing time or hunger or even transitioning from day to night, or totally distracted by audio and visual stimulus to the point where I can't think because I feel too overwhelmed and confused. Regardless of what "state" I'm in, I don't feel like I get much done. On the other hand, I always feel like I've got TONS of things to do, but I can't seem to ever get them done. I am frustrated about this every day.

I'm talking about simple stuff here...making meals, establishing and sticking to a sleep routine, planning social time, cleaning, organizing myself at work etc.

Therefore, I've got a few questions...
  • Are these still normal symptoms after being in therapy for 3 (maybe 4) years as well as being on so much medication?
  • At what point do I consider other potential causes for my cognitive challenges?
  • How much different is medication for ADD vs medication for depression and anxiety?

Thanks in advance for answering my questions. I'm just wonderin'.

PS. I should mention that when I was in my depression, I didn't want to get any activities or responsibilities done...I didn't have the energy, motivation and actually, I didn't even care about them. I didn't care about anything and I was exhausted all the time. I felt like I couldn't think. But now, I desperately want to be more organized in my life but can't seem to make that happen.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Like OCD and other disorders, I think of ADHD as a dimension rather than a discrete category. Many of us have certain obsessive or compulsive traits or ADD-like traits but we don't apply the diagnosis until it's severe enough to impair day-to-day functioning. I can't eat in a food court because I get distracted by people walking by but I can hyperfocus on certain things in certain situations, sometimes to my detriment. That's ADD-like behavior but I don't meet the criteria for the diagnosis of ADHD.
True...true. I was thinking about it and if I was a true ADD I'm sure I would have been diagnosed at some point. Also, I decided it couldn't hurt to do a bit of research and maybe just borrow some of the techniques used to help organization and/or time management :)
Here is a questionnaire for ADHD that might give you an idea if you might have it then you can discuss this with a DR.

Adult ADHD Symptom Checklist

My anxiety was cut in half if not more after taking ADHD medication. Thank God I was diagnosed. I was 41 when I was diagnosed. I asked my DR (shrink) then if I could have ADHD. She says she suspected it but thought my anxiety was worse. But I was seeing her for 4 years and she never said a thing to me it was I that brought it up to her. She wouldn't give me the typical ADHD medication for me and what she gave me never worked. So I found a new DR who gave me what I needed but then I needed more and he wouldn't give it to me so now my family DR gives it to me. Also being on bupropion for my depression helps even more.
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Hm...thanks Suewatters1.

Dr b...can you shed some light on what the differences between meds for depression vs meds for ADHD? Do they both work with serotonin etc?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
It depends on the medication, I think. I believe the stimulant medications like Ritalin and Adderall act more on dopamine, but no-stimulant medications like Strattera are also used for ADHD as are SSRIs.
Sooooo...I just went for my 3rd (in the last week and a half) set of blood tests and they revealed a couple abnormalities. One was low iron. My ability to focus and organize my life has been getting worse lately and that's what prompted me to begin looking at other reasons (other than depression and anxiety) for some of my symptoms. The fatigue and feeling overwhelmed could be related to the iron deficiency and I'll just have to wait to see what the last set of tests says about the other "stuff".

Just thought I'd provide an update :)


I am glad that you are taking an active role in your health and looking at possible alternatives to what may be causing your fatigue and feeling overwhelmed. Thanks for keeping us informed and do let us know how the last round of tests turn out.

Take care
:hug: :hug:
Fat in my blood. The doctor literally said, "Looks like they found fat in your blood. I don't know why they reported it. It must be because there was a significant amount". At first I was confused about why they'd report fat AND iron since the tests were for Calcium and protein. But after some "googling" I found lots of info on tests for protein that can determine if a person has a "particularly lethal form of body fat around organs". Super.

Anyway, now I'm waiting for results for glucose cholesterol and other fats. I had my glucose tested about a month ago and was juuuust in the low end of the high range @ 5.7.

I have some strange symptoms like exhaustion (low iron makes sense here), pitting edema (you can poke my shin and it will stay dented for over 5mins) and I'm achy everywhere. I'm finding it difficult to concentrate or think "straight" and get overwhelmed easily. I haven't exercised for over a week since the last few times I went I felt like I couldn't get enough air and my body felt really heavy.


I'm fighting a strong erge to cancel my day at work tomorrow, but feel guilty since my boss and his boss are supposed to accompany me on a "territory tour". Crappy timing. I've told my boss that I'm not feeling well and he said he is ok with playing it by ear tomorrow, but I find myself getting stressed out about it and I really just feel like throwing in the towel (k, that might be the pms talking. Ya, that's right...I just entered my pms phase too, lol). Super, again.

Addition...In addition to the crap I've put my body through and the stress I've experienced of the years, it's possible my disordered way of dealing with food may have more to do with my health than I care to admit.
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No, the only meds I'm taking are 300mg effexor and 10mg apo amitriptyline (elavil). I take a multi vitamin in the morning and now iron supplements 2x/day.
lol...yes, pizza sounds great - although I'm off the sugar and the white flour for now.

My potassium and sodium levels are normal. I have had potassium deficiency in the past (ended up in emergency a couple times because of it) but it is stable now.

I'm sure more answers will revealed after I get the next set of tests back. Until then, I'll continue to eat as "clean" as I can, get enough sleep and do a bit of walking or gentle yoga.

I don't want to be sick like I was before and I'm feeling some nerves around that potential. But I can only do what I can only do. I haven't treated my body very well and I want to change that. I hope this is a wake up call with no negative permanent consequences. But if there is a serious (or permanent) problem ---I'll just have to deal with it :)
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