More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
StartW8 - Start Menu for Windows 8 - Get the Start menu back in Windows 8
Retrieved March 13, 2013


StartW8 key features

  • Automatically switch to desktop immediately after signing in
  • Added Windows Start menu in Windows 8 design, but Windows 7 functionality
  • Activate menu with Win key
  • Log off, lock and turn off buttons
  • Traditional search field
  • Favourite applications
  • All user configurable
  • Support for silent installation
  • Multilanguage support (18 languages)
  • Option to ignore the lower left Hot corner


New version was launched on Dec. 19, 2012! You can download it here:



There are numerous review articles on the options for installing a Start button and Classic menu that will also startup Win 8 in desktop mode including this review.

I found all the reviews searching Google with the terms "windows 8 start menu reviews"

Some of the options cost money and those for which you pay may or may not provide satisfactory benefits.

My choice for my Win 8 system was the free and highly rated Classic Shell which I installed three months ago and has proven to be a real pleasure to use. It is highly customizable, plus provides optional classic menus for Windows Explorer as well as Internet Explorer.

Start menus for Windows 8 has become a cottage industry, thanks to the obstinate insistence of Microsoft to force an unpopular interface on half a billion prospective Windows customers.
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