More threads by Cat Dancer

I have struggled with eating disorders for so long, for so many years that it seems my body is damaged beyond repair. I have many different physical problems because of the anorexia/bulimia. It's very discouraging. I've been suffering from anemia for several months now and I feel so unwell. I get faint and weak and just generally feel pretty awful. I've been taking vitamins with iron and they don't seem to help. I am vegetarian so that probably doesn't help either, but at this point in my life I don't think I could bring myself to eat meat.

I just wonder if it's possible to overcome the physical damage that eating disorders cause after SO many years of struggling?


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I just wonder if it's possible to overcome the physical damage that eating disorders cause after SO many years of struggling?

Yes. There may be damage that you've done (and I'm sorry, I don't know the specifics) but you can still do what's best for your body now Cat Dancer. You already know some of the effets. If taking iron is something that you need - then do it. Without fail. Also consider that you can get iron from nutritional sources (broccoli and spinach come to mind).

Will you ever completely cure the phyiscal damage? I don't know Cat dancer - it really does depend on what your doctors have told you about the damage. Specifically, I'm thinking of bone damage done.

But, you can certainly be proactive in your health from here on end...But no more mucking around if you know what I mean. Get all of those important nutrients into your body. Through diet and vitamins. It's really important. You're still young enough that many of the symptoms can be slowed down, if not reversed...

There's nothing wrong with a vegatarian approach - as long as you do it responsibly. Are you getting enough protein from other sources? (beans, nuts, dairy) And remember that variety is really important here Cat Dancer.

I hope that you'll also remember that you're now a role member for children who will look up to you to understand what a balanced diet really consists of...It's important that you take care of yourself for your children...

*jumping off my soap box now* - you can do this Cat Dancer. I've seen your strength, and I have no doubt of your abilities.


Resident Canuck
One thing I will caution with Iron, is it is toxic in high dosages. Vitamin A is another one that can be toxic too, and can be so in moderate dosages. It depends on the source of vitamin A used in the suppliment. Beta Carotene is vitamin A but in a vegetable base form, which is considered safer. The problem lies with deturmining which source the Vitamin A is. It is all quite complicated.

I would strongly suggest speaking to your doctor before taking any vitamin and or mineral supliments seeing your current situation.

I hope it is ok for me to plug a great book. It is The Complete Illustrated Guide to Vitamines and Minerals. A Practical Approach to a Healthy Diet and Safe Supplementation.

Here are a few things listed in this book that are high in natural sources of Iron The Complete Illustrated Guide to Vitamins and Minerals (Complete illustrated guides): Denise Mortimore

Kelp, curry powder, brewer's yeast, fortified breakfast cereals, molasses, blackstrap, pumpkin seeds, unsweetened coco powder, wheat germ, soy flower, sunflower seeds, parsley, almonds, dried apricots, prunes, cashews, tomatoe paste, Jerusalem artichokes raw, Brazil Nuts, beet greens, dandelion leaves, English walnuts, whole wheat bread, Great Northern Beans, semisweet chocolate, hulled sesame seeds, lentils, peanuts, eggs, beancurd, watercrest, cooked kidney beans, green peas, Dhal lentil, brown riche, ripe olives, Boston baked beans, Mung bean sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and white fish.

I eliminated all the meat products except for fish.


Hi Cat,

I think it is possible to get things like the nutrients in your body back on track. Some things, the damage is just done. I just recently had a bone scan done and found out I have two stress fractures, which scares me into thinking what have I done to my bones.

I can understand about the iron supplements. My Dr. puts me on them and I take them for as long as I can but they give me stomach aches and constipation (TMI). I have kind of worked out my own system that helps me, I take them every other day.
I don't eat meat often-I'm not a vegetarian but never buy meat. When I am trying to get my iron up for blood tests (yes, that is whack) I will eat dried apricots, pumpkin seeds and drink OJ. There are certain things that aid in absorption of iron like OJ and some things like coffee for instance that work against how much iron you absorb. Don't quote me on that-I'm sure I read it somewhere.

Anyway, personally I think if you really stay on top of getting the nutrients you need I think you can totally get yourself back from feeling tired,drained and kind of out to lunch. Just remember it took years of damaging your body, it will take patience to get it back to a good place. You can do it though.:support: hang in there.
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