More threads by simon29


Hi to everyone who is reading this ,I finding everyday harder longer and more alone I cant hardly sleep ,I don't feel like laughing or crying just empty I not , I can't even leave the house now,I not after smpathy just a bit of surport or someone to talk to ,
I'm am waiting still for crisis team but will not be here untill monday or tuesday doctor said ,I;, don't know what I'm going to about my son because I'm supose to pick him up from school nxt week.i really don't want to go to hospital I just feel so lost
Hi Simon ,
It is good that you will be seeing the crisis team next week , it is hard to be in a state of a mental no mans land , where making contact and communication becomes difficult , are there friends who could come to see you this weekend ?

As for your son , it would be wise to make a decision about his visit with you , once you have seen the crisis team , if a hospital stay is advised then I am sure your son will understand that it is best for your son and you , that you follow the treatment which will help you towards more serenity.
In the meantime if you need to talk , maybe there are help lines you could call in your country , I am sorry that I cannot help more than this .
Perhaps if you explored the anxiety topics in this forum you would find some coping techiniques which would help you until you see the crisis team.

best wishes white page
simon, can you make alternate arrangements for your son? can you speak with him beforehand to let him know there is a chance you may not be able to come get him?
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