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For the past three months or so I have not been able to sleep at night. I get tired in the morning and will sleep for a couple of hours but can't seem to go to sleep regularly no matter what I do. I'm getting more and more confused and not really sure what day it is sometimes. I have a hard time leaving the house. My doctor gave me Melatonin but it doesn't work. I have a lot of energy at night and none in the day. Not sure what to do. I have a drs. appt next week.


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
What other medications are you taking now, texasgirl? Have you tried other sleeping medications, e.g., Imovane or trazodone?

How long have you been taking the melatonin?
Hi Dr. B,

I take trilafon, lamictal, lexapro, clonazepam, cogentin. I took the melatonin for 2 weeks but it made me sick. Haven't had the 2 meds that you named. But the confusion and fear is getting worse and I need something to happen.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Okay. Melatonin doesn't work for everyone and even when it does the effect on insomnia is often temporary.

Tell your doctor about the side effects. The good news is that there are a lot of options including the two I mentioned for helping you to sleep better.

In the meantime, when do you take the lexapro? If you're currently taking it at night, try taking it in the morning instead.

Also, do everything you can to stay awake during the day. If you have to sleep, sleep in a bright room with the TY or music on and set an alarm for 15-45 minutes. The set an alarm in the morning so you get up early no matter when you went to sleep. Eventually your sleep-wake cycle will turn around.
Hope you can get you sleep back to normal soon hun as said by Dr Baxter there a better sleeping pills hun Imovane is great does not have any hangover effects the next day.
Hope you see your doctor soon hugs
Thank yall so much. I will write down the medicines and talk to my dr. on Wednesday. I will also try to do the things you suggested Dr. B during the day. I think part of my problem is that I am afraid to leave the house which would help for me to stay awake. I take the lexapro in the am. I need to work on being so afraid. And I have tried to find a job but so far not happening. I will let yall know what the dr. says and thank you again for your help!

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