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i've had some really terrible anxiety this week and right now it is down, but it was so bad that i am scared that it's going to happen again over the next few days. i had a really hard time getting through it. there have been some triggers and i am scared of more. i don't want to feel that horrible feeling again.

how do i keep calm? how do i stop this anxiety from coming back? give me your best tricks because i really need them. right now i am ok and i am relieved but i am feeling tense because i am scared it's going to come right back.
Re: deal with anxiety?

I had a therapist in the past who taught me the following 5-4-3-2-1 technique:

You stop and list/say to yourself (or out loud) five things that you see
Then list/say to yourself five things you hear
Then list/say five things you feel

Then repeat this series listing four things you see, hear,feel ,

then repeat listing three things of each,

then two things of each

then one thing of each.

It is supposed to refocus your attention and calm you down. I wasn't fussy on the "feel" part so just use the "see" and "hear" lists - the therapist said you do it however it most assists/calms you. It does seem to help.

For example, I see my dog, a painting, my computer, a picture of my cat, the phone. I hear the radio, the fan from the furnace, traffic outside, the radio, my dog breathing (it is ok to repeat items as you are coming up with the five items). I feel my shoes on my feet, the chair I am sitting on, the keyboard under my fingers, my pants on the back of my knees and the ledge of the desk that my wrists are leaning on.

Hope this helps.

This therapist also recommended a book to me called:
The Promise of Energy Psychology by
Donna Eden, David Feinstein and Gary Craig
It gives you different physical techniques that are supposed to assist your mental wellbeing. I have the book but didn't really try anything from it seems to be a little new wave (to me). It shows pressure points to hold, tapping points, etc. It has been out for several years so most likely could be found at a library.

Anxiety isn't any fun. I hope you have a less triggering weekend.
Re: deal with anxiety?

ITL I am sorry you are going through a rough time. I would listen to some music I like that is calming and soothing. Also I would take my Lorazepam pill underneath my tongue to make it work faster. Try a nice relaxing bubble bath also maybe by some flowers at the grocery store. I have done that before. They say flowers have a calming effect. Also maybe light up 2 candles. I hear 2 candles are better then one. I have some tealight candles that I sometimes use when my house is clean enough for me to use them. I sometimes if I can focus enough I might try to watch a TV show I might like hoping to take my mind of my problems. But sometimes I am to stressed out to do that. I get myself into trouble.

I hope this helps.
I hope you don't get anymore anxiety attacks or panic attacks.



Re: deal with anxiety?

Sorry your anxiety level has been higher than usual. What I find works best for me is breathing. If I really concentrate on my breathing then normally I can decrease my anxiety and if not....I then turn to medication for help.


Account Closed
I had a therapist in the past who taught me the following 5-4-3-2-1 technique:

You stop and list/say to yourself (or out loud) five things that you see
Then list/say to yourself five things you hear
Then list/say five things you feel

Then repeat this series listing four things you see, hear,feel ,

then repeat listing three things of each,

then two things of each

then one thing of each.

I love this technique and use it often. Once I am kind of back on earth I visualize a safe place, deep breath and then do my best to distract myself by doing something else (that I like)


Resident Canuck
I usually sooth in terms of what the trigger was.

If it is that I forgot to eat :blush: yes I am bad. I make sure I eat as balanced as a meal as I can possably make, while feeling anxious. I also ensure I do not gorge, I try to eat slowly. Sometimes the sudden decrease in blood sugar, then the sudden increase can make me feel anxious for a while if I eat too fast too.

If it is an "outside" trigger, I try to remove myself from the situation and go to a place where I feel safe. I sip a cold glass of water if I feel hot with dry mouth. If I feel cold, and I am at home I have a warmish bath with ebsom salts. I never make it too hot, cause feeling too hot I am sensitive too as well. Just a nice comfortable, soothing temperature.

If at home I curl up with my cat and cuddle and kiss her. She is such a cuddle bug.

If I am anxious because I am confused cause of a task, I leave it and come back to it when I "recharge"

If nothing else works, as awful as it sounds, I take my meds and curl up in bed with a "white noise" distraction such as my fan and usually fall asleep.

I often get anxious if I am over tired or have pushed myself too much too.

I am sorry you were feeling anxious a lot lately Into The Light. I am glad you are feeling better now. :hug:
i too am sorry your feeling anxious IntotheLight breathing real slow helps me sometimes and also the step technique mentioned above i focus where i am and at the moment take care best wishes Mary
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