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How does a person know the severity of an episode of depression when depressed?

I see the terms low grade depression, minor episodes, major depression and the descriptions of them but yet I cannot decide how to determine "where on the depression scale" I am or could be at times.:confused:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I'm not sure that it really matters, really. If you feel depressed, that needs attention. Using what would ultimately be a somewhat arbitrary and subjective scale of severity wouldn't change that.

There is something that practitioners use sometimes called the GAF (Gloabl Assessment of Functioning) which estimates the degree of disruption of one's ability to function normally, but that can be the result of several factors, not just severity of depression (or anxiety, or... etc.).
so really only a physician can determine the severity or level of, based on how one is functioning?

I guess I am asking so as to avoid going to doctor unnecessarily if I could somehow judge for myself when I might or might not need to go.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
so really only a physician can determine the severity or level of, based on how one is functioning?

Yes, and only face to face, really.

I guess I am asking so as to avoid going to doctor unnecessarily if I could somehow judge for myself when I might or might not need to go.

It seems to me if you're wondering if you should go, knowing a bit about you, I would suggest that yes, you need to go.
Thank you David,
It seems to me if you're wondering if you should go,
Was wondering in general really, (for future ref), both for myself and maybe anyone else wondering the same thing, I had searched forums to see if anyone else had asked this and I was unable to find similar question & answer relating to severity of depression.

I understand that Everyone is different so that what might be considered mild or severe by a physician for one patient is not necessarily the same for another. I am guessing that a lot of people do not go to their physician because they might view "where they are at" as being mild, just low and a waste of doctor's time ect. (this does include me at times).
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Account Closed
I understand from your post that you were just asking generally about it. On another thread, you mentioned yourself already having been to the doctor's. Without wanting to speak on behalf of Dr. Baxter, I understand from his post that he's saying that only a face-to-face with a doctor can help the patient determine the severity of the depression. And I'd have to agree. For years I knew that I was depressed but didn't think that it was too severe. I was wrong. :)
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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Yes, I think that many people underestimate or play down the severity of symptoms, whether physical or emotional, for fear of "bothering" theit doctors. I think it's better to be safe and proactive - and to try to stop worrying about "bothering" the doctor. That's why they are there. Go ahead and "bother" them. Let the doctor decide whether a symptom is serious or severe enough to require treatment.
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