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Rural areas just do not have the psychiatric doctors to help i wonder if some had been helped earlier on if they had obtained treatment perhaps they would not be so ill now.

Still today so many i feel are being not taken care of or diagnosed and they are lost

i think too that some are afraid to get help nature of the illness

How can we help the ones that get lost

I wonder if the schools are now more equipped to see the children that may be a risk.

I think if only the help was there things would have turned out so differently

Distorted thinking so hard to undo when that is all one has known for most of ones life.

Just thinking out loud that all .

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Schizophrenia is not a single disorder but a group of disorders, and for most of those there is little evidence that the timing of treatment after the First Episode makes very much difference.

Schizophrenia that develops later in life (e.g., 30s or 40s rather than teens or 20s) tends to have a more positive prognosis than early first episode schizophrenia.

There is some suggestive (not conclusive) research that intervention in early childhood for those at risk for schizophrenia (i.e., before the first psychotic episode) may improve outcome.

But overwhelmingly, the biggest single factor influencing outcome for schizophrenia is medication compliance and avoidance of substance abuse.
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