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I am writing on here in hopes of distracting myself from my strong urges to cut. I have tried watching tv, snapping an elastic on my wrist, holding ice cubes...ect. I started cutting when I was 13 (10 years ago) to make myself ugly and unattractive to guys. (After I was raped repeatedly) It became something I did all the time to make myself feel better. I need distractions. It probably doesn't help that I have been drinking too. I am a mess...what have i become?
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Re: distractions

i am sorry you are in so much pain that you have to harm yourself to not feel Is there anyone you can call to come over and talk with you or sit with you for awhile just to give you some support. Listening to music helps sometimes getting out of the room your in helps too. Get rid of the tool You can go for awalk take a warm bath do something kind for you okay
You deserve kindness not more pain please if you can call your doctor therapist maybe get an earlier appt. that would help too.
Take care of you please.
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