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I still am high strung and now have had memory loss for four days, I am greatly rattled to say the least. I am a senior citizen and didn't espect the memory loss, I am beside myself. I am relunctant to tell my doctor, but I will against my will. My meds help and I am looking for a memory loss forum as we speak. I can't seem to control my high strung spells and my memory loss comes and goes, but comes more than goes, this I wasn't looking for. Suggestions please. high strung



What can this forum tell me about alheimers? It worries me greatly. What medicine can I take to offset it? high strung


Re: Alzheimers?

If you have concerns about cognitive decline, see your doctor and ask for a referral for an assessment.

We all experience minor memory lapses, but those do not necessarily mean the onset of dementia or Alzheimer's.

Remember, it's OK to misplace and forget where you left your glasses from time to time....only begin worrying if you forget that you wear glasses.

To help maintain good mental health while aging, eat healthy food, exercise two to three times a week and challenge your mind by learning to do new things. In other words, don't keep doing the same dances, but rather learn some new dances, figuratively speaking.
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