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Daniel E.
What should I do if my dog gets bit by a rattlesnake?

The best thing to do with dogs is to keep them on a leash because you can control where they go. The problem with dogs is they can smell a rattlesnake and they're curious, and when they're curious they put their nose right up to the snake and the snake doesn't have a choice. This is a predator: They might think it's a coyote or something that wants to eat them. So they will defend themselves.

Although dogs are relatively resistant to venom compared to humans, they tend to get bit in the nose or throat, and this can cause a lot of swelling and it can interfere with their ability to breathe. It's also really important to get a dog to a veterinarian. They may use antivenom, but they'll definitely monitor the animal's ability to breathe.

Another option is aversion training. If you go hiking a lot, you can train a dog to avoid rattlesnakes. When they pick up a rattlesnake scent, you can use a shock collar with a little jolt and they'll learn they don't like it and don't want to go anywhere near it. That is actually very effective.

Source: Arizona State University

Daniel E.
What do I do if my dog is bitten by a rattlesnake? —Archie Smith, Georgian Bay, Ont.

Drop everything and get to the nearest vet. It doesn’t matter if the practice carries antivenin or not. It probably won’t. Snake antivenin is expensive and difficult to source because it’s so complicated to produce in the first place.

But here’s the thing: snake venom is dangerous because it disrupts normal blood clotting. “And any regular clinic will be able to run baseline blood work, do a ‘coagulation profile,’ and start supportive care,” says Alexandra Parry, a vet with O’Sullivan Animal Hospital in Barrie. The vet can then determine if the dog even needs antivenin. It might not. It’s situation dependent: a bite to the tongue is worse than a bite to the torso—there’s a faster uptake of venom because the tongue is a better “absorption surface,” says Parry—and a venomous bite to a small breed will have more of an effect than a bite to a large breed. Snake venom is meant to kill snake prey. In cottage country, that’s mice, not Labradoodles.

Even if you knew a vet clinic, say, two hours away carried antivenin, it would be better to take the dog to a clinic that didn’t carry it if you could get there in minutes, say our experts. Why? In many cases, bites are dry. Rattlesnakes don’t inject venom every time they bite, says Jeff Hathaway, the founder of Scales Nature Park, a conservation centre that focusses on amphibians and reptiles. “Venom is energetically expensive for snakes to manufacture. If they use it, they risk depleting their supply. And they need that supply to eat,” he says. “It’s not adaptive for them to expend all their venom.”

Here’s the good news. Rattlesnake bites—to dogs or people—are rare in Canada. O’Sullivan Animal Hospital does carry antivenin, because “we were seeing enough cases that we felt it was worth it,” says Parry. But “enough cases” only amounts to a couple of bites per summer.

Still, if you’re hiking in rattler-heavy areas, keep Fido on a leash. Better for the dog, better for the snake.

Source: Cottage Life

Daniel E.
Preventing exposure to rattlesnakes is the best approach in all cases. Here are some tips experts recommend owners follow:

  • Avoid hiking with dogs during peak times of the year (April through October).
  • Stay away from areas with tall grass, rocks or wood piles.
  • Stay on trails and keep dogs leashed at all times.
  • Keep pets away from rattlesnakes if they're encountered as they can strike up to a distance one-half of their length.
  • Using a walking stick to rustle bushes along trail helps alert snakes of your presence and keeps them away.
  • Around your house, remove all food sources (such as rodents) and minimize hiding places (such as wood piles).

Source: Embrace
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