More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Driving and Phones: Not So Risky?
Psychology Today Magazine, July/Aug 2003

Eating, drinking and adjusting the radio remain top in-car distractions.

Distracted drivers are a danger?but this time, gabbing motorists don't get all the blame. The cell phone, one technological distraction, stirs up fears that more and more people are paying less and less attention as they drive. But while it's true that more than one out of four accidents happen because a driver simply wasn't paying attention, it turns out that cell phones should be the least of our worries.

Traditional distractions such as eating, drinking and fiddling with the radio remain the main reasons we take our eyes off the road, according to a study sponsored by AAA Foundation of Traffic Safety. Drivers spend more time grooming themselves than talking on the phone. "Love them or hate them, cell phones were not nearly on top of the culprit list," says coauthor Donald Reinfurt from the University of North Carolina Safety Research Center.

For the study, researchers rigged the cars of 70 participants with hidden cameras that monitored driver eye movement and surrounding traffic conditions. Half the drivers were from Philadelphia and half were from the Chapel Hill area of North Carolina. Each participant was observed for three hours.

More than 90 percent of the subjects were distracted as they reached for something, such as adjusting the stereo. Some 75 percent of the drivers took their eyes off the road as they ate or drank. Only 30 percent of the drivers used cell phones, and on average their conversations lasted only a minute and a half.

"I think at the outset everyone thought that cell phones would stand out like a sore thumb, but they don't," says Reinfurt. "It may not make sense at the moment to outlaw cell phone use." He cautions that people may become more distracted as other devices, such as GPS systems, become more commonplace.

The researchers note that their study only measured eye movement, and did not directly gauge a driver's concentration or attention. While drivers may spend more time eating than talking, a phone call may demand more mental reserves?and bring a greater risk.
Its illegal in this country (UK) to drive and use a mobile, drivers get warnings and fined too. I think its still ok if its handfree and the mobiles in the cradle.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
It's also illegal in some parts of Canada and the U.S.

But it's not illegal to drink coffee, eat fast food orders, use a GPS device, or hunt for CDs to insert, all of which are arguably more distracting activities than talking on your cell phone.
I think having a passenger and talking to them is dangerous too. I've been in cars with helpers who are looking at me whilst we talk and take their eyes of the road, even if its for a few seconds it could still cause an accident.


Cell phone usage in the United States is illegal in just about every state now unless you are using a hands free device.

If a police officer see's you talking on the phone while you are driving you will be pulled over and issued a ticket for it and they are not only actively enforcing it, but they are also not accepting any excuses for it either.

Ignorance of the law in the United States is not a legal excuse and is not an acceptable argument that one can make within any court or legal jurisdiction in the United States.

Many people have tried to make that defense argument in the United States before judges, but Judges are not buying that argument and any attempt to make that argument can be seen by judges within the United States as contempt of court. This is something that all Judges and attorney's in the United States know and is part of the training that they receive when they are in law school as it is part of the American legal system.


It's illegal to eat or drink here in Australia whilst driving.

Cell phone use is also illegal - you can expect other motorists to give you a very hard time here if they see you doing it - it is a social NO NO! :tsk:
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