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Im not sure if this was the right place to post it, since I don't think this is anxiety related any more, but does anyone here find after they drive for a while they start to lose focus and feel sick? like if your driving for like about 40 minutes?

Its sad the fact that I started my drivers ed course last summer and everyone else is done and Im still going
I can't drive. I lose focus as soon as I'm not reversing out of the driveway. So I no longer drive. I used to, but I didn't feel safe with me behind the wheel.

But don't worry, the important thing is that you take your time and learn to drive well!
ok thanks.... I really want to be able to drive and my grandpa and everyone keeps saying I need to get my license... maybe I will finish this course so my dad doesn't say he wasted 900 dollars on me... well I will
A license is a good thing to have. My parents said the same thing, that I "need" to get it. I didn't agree, but I went to driving school because they basically made me. I think driving in general is a good life-skill, though, if you have the chance to acquire it, which you do.

$900 is very expensive. Well, as long as you finish and learn reasonably well, it is money well spent. Good luck.

(Btw, when I said "I can't drive" before, I didn't mean it literally- I can drive, just not all that well.)


I absolutely Love driving. Do you suffer from Motion Sickness? Have you ever had a tragic experience with a vehicle?

If not, maybe you should try and connect something positive to it ... when I'm driving short distances i.e. less than an hour, I like to put the radio off and clear my mind! I love checking out the number plates of the car in front of me, the one behind me ... others pasing me - making a word or sentance with it i.e. VRM GP would be Vroom Vroom Gansta Paradise - I know, real adolesant but it keeps me entertained and focused on they way other road users drive and how far I am from them! When I'm driving long distance i.e. more than 3 hours - I like having snacks and cold drink ready next to me so I never take my eyes of the road and I load my favourite music and drive and sing and snack and enjoy!!!

Find something that could help you focus on the road and your surroundings (very important to mind all the cars while keeping your own driving responsible) and find something to connect to driving that inspires you in a positive way.

Driving alone is my only alone time - to clear my head and relax ...

Try to feel the motion of the car and remember how aming it is to have the ability to learn and master such a powerful tool!

Best Regards,
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