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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Eating disorders may be contagious: study
Fri Apr 18, 2008

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A study of U.S. high school students provides additional evidence that eating disorders may be contagious.

In a study, researchers found that binging, fasting, diet pill use and other eating disorder symptoms clustered within counties, particularly among female students.

"These findings confirm the strong social influences on female adolescents in the U.S. to be thin, sometimes using unhealthy behaviors to achieve this goal," the researchers write in the current issue of the International Journal of Eating Disorders.

Research in the 1980s in female college students first suggested that disordered eating behavior spread through "social contagion," demonstrating that binge eating clustered within sororities, Dr. Valerie L. Forman-Hoffman and Cassie L. Cunningham of the VA Iowa City Health Care System note in their report.

In the current study, they looked at whether a similar pattern would be seen among high school students at the county-wide level by analyzing nationally representative data on 15,349 high school students.

There was indeed a small but significant clustering effect, the researchers found. A pair of students from the same county was 4 percent to 10 percent more likely to share an eating-disordered behavior when compared to pairs in which each person came from a different county.

Severe food intake restriction, dieting, exercising and diet pill use all showed clustering by county, as did any weight control symptom overall or any eating disorder symptom. But no clustering was seen for purging, possibly due to the "secretive," less socially acceptable nature of this behavior, the researchers suggest.

Clustering patterns were the same in rural, suburban and urban counties.

While the study wasn't designed to look at why these behaviors might be clustering in certain counties, the researchers suggest that peer pressure, information sharing or students modeling their behavior on one another are possible mechanisms.

Based on their results, the researchers think it may be more effective to target eating disorder prevention efforts to counties or schools where they are more common, rather than individual students.

SOURCE: International Journal of Eating Disorders, April 2008.


There are so many factors that contribute to eating disorders and only one of them is society's emphasis on body shape and size. That, of course, is spread from one person to the next. Any societal idea is. But to say that eating disorders are contagious.... well, that word just doesn't sit right with me. There are so many factors; psychological, biological, relational.... personal factors.... and to use a word that most people associate with passing on the common cold through a sneeze.... well, I don't agree.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
But contagious is also used in terms like "contagious laughter", meaning that one person's behavior or actions influence others.

Definitions of contagious on the Web:

easily diffused or spread as from one person to another; "a contagious grin"
catching: (of disease) capable of being transmitted by infection
WordNet Search - 3.0

The term 'disease' refers to any abnormal condition of an organism that impairs function. This causes discomfort, dysfunction, distress, or death to the person afflicted or those in contact with the person. ...
Contagious - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A contagious disease is easily spread from one person to another by contact with the infectious agent that causes the disease. The agent may be in droplets of liquid particles made by coughing or sneezing, contaminated food utensils, water or food.

Transmitted by contact; in common usage, "highly infectious."
Managing Effective Risk Response: an Ecological Approach (MERREA) - Glossary

Transmittable by direct or indirect contact. VDEM Terrorism Toolkit:Glossary


You're right, Doc. But at the same time I read this, and for me on a personal level, I don't want people to become afraid of me, you know?? That's the first thought I had, anyways. Maybe that is just my issue, though.
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