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I was wondering if anyone has heard of Ebselen, a medication for bi polar?

I have been suffer with bi polar since I was 17 and have tried many medication.

My psychiatrist is a professor at the hospital in the city where I live. He is suggesting that I try this new medication as he has sertification to give it. But I really want to know more info about it.

Can anybody advise me on this? I really appreciate it. It is difficult for me to read online about it because the English is difficult.


Wow thank you so much.

That is a lot of information there.

I read and it seems to be a very new medication that hardly tested on humans. Only mice mostly.

My doctor didn't really say it was a trial.

Maybe it is approved already here in Holland or this dr has given before and saw good results?

I guess I will ask him more about it.

I am prepare to try it definitely. I have tried a lot of medications and I'm nearly 40 years old and have suffered a long time.

I had psychosis once which was very scary. But I see that this medication is not an anti-psychotic so I have to take an anti-psychotic on the side also?

I will call on Monday to get an appointment with the dr. It cost me a lot of money because he is highly popular and has a lot of experience. Hope fully this will pay off in the end.

Thank you,

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