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Please don't do what I did. I let my medication get really low and there were no refills. While the doctor called in a new prescription to the pharmacy, it was not immediately filled. I actually had an additional day of meds left to see me through. Two days following the doctor's call, I called the pharmacy to ascertain whether my prescription was ready because I was completely out. I was informed by the pharmacy clerk that it would not be filled until I came in. Unfortunately, I was in no shape to go in and pick it up and it was already 11:00 p.m. [Pharmacy is open 24/7]. My equilibrium was off and I was having problems walking and had periodic head shocks. To top it off, I was escalating to the point of being combative. When I stressed these things to the pharmacy clerk, she acted if though my situation didn't matter. I asked for a supervisor and was told there wasn't one on duty at night. I then asked would it be possible to go ahead and fill the prescription as my husband would drive me in to pick it up. I wanted to avoid having to wait in the pharmacy having continuing problems. I felt out of control and didn't want to have to deal with security guards or possible police. I'm a private person so this would have added unnecessary embarassment for me.
And, asking my husband to go in for me wasn't an option because he was recovering from an illness. Yet, he would have driven me there. The attitude of the clerk was, "I really don't care and I'm not bending the rules."

The next day, after arriving at work, I was so sick that I had to leave. I made it the pharmacy and had to wait one hour in a crowded waiting room to receive my medication. I literally had to sit with a pen and a piece of paper and force myself to write down everything that I was feeling to get me through that time.

I am considering filing a complaint against the pharmacy. In the course of things, it's another lesson learned to never let your stuff run out.
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Were you planning on having the prescription delivered to your hom by the pharmacy?

Why did the person say your prescription would not be filled?

Have you spoken to the owner of the store, the manager (if it's a chain),or the pharmacist (not a technician) ?

I'm sorry to hear you had to go through that. Over here if you cannot get your prescription they deliver it to your door, I also feel the lenght of time you had to wait when you got there was too long, If it was me I would make an complaint it sounds like you wasn't treated with any respect.
Thanks guys for responding. I did ask for a supervisor [either a manager or pharmacist] and I was told that none was available. I knew that the response that "no one was there" was bogus, but I was in no condition to deal effectively at that time. I have had problems with this particular Kaiser pharmacy in the past. I did check into whether I could file a complaint with the pharmaceutical board in my state and unfortunately, my situation did not meets its criteria. My best course of action is to file a complaint with Kaiser's member services board and cc my doctor on same. I do have the clerk's name and she will be dealt with.

Kaiser does not provide delivery service. However, they do have mail services. I live in a large condominum complex and I would run the risk of having my meds stolen or possibly be slipped into someone else's mail slot and my privacy would be gone. Suffice it to say, it was a painful lesson to incur, but I will never allow it to happen again.


Are you obligated to deal with this particular pharmacy? Your most effective protest is to take your business elsewhere, if you can.

IAC when dealing with a pharmacy for your prescriptions, it's always best to ask to speak to the pharmacist, rather than to deal with a lab technician or store clerk.

When speaking to the pharmacist, make your requirements known, and ask that these requirements be entered into your permanent file.

In my case, I have asked that the following be entered into my permanent file:

Always brand name..never generics
Show the manufacturer's expiry date, never the store expiry date

Your requirments may be different, but by proactively dealing with possible problems, you may have recourse if something goes wrong in the future.

Thank you. I had no idea that I could even ask for such requests from a pharmacy. This being an HMO, I will have to ask if this is possible. I do tend to be intimidated by the process, your thoughts give me a reason to try again. And, yes, I do need to deal with this particular pharmacy. Psychiatric drugs are not available at outlying Kaiser offices in my state. In order to receive them, you have to go to a hospital pharmacy. This particular one is within 15 minutes from my home. And, if I'm not able to get there, my husband is amenable to driving there for me. However, there is another facility close to my job that I may have to try if this situation cannot be amicably resolved.

Thanks so much again for your missive.
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