More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Music Release in Support of Bipolar Disorder
29 October 2008

Proceeds to go to support work in bipolar disorder

Musician Elijah Wolf of Elijah Wolf and the Rubalous decided to donate the whole proceeds of downloads of their single, Camouflage in early January, to support work in bipolar disorder, through Equilibrium - the bipolar foundation.

During the rehearsals and preparations for the recording the band's guitarist , Cage (right in the photo above) started to become withdrawn and depressed and it became apparent that he was affected by bipolar disorder. Shortly afterwards the band's sound man Richard revealed he too was affected by bipolar disorder and had been on treatment for may years, largely with things under good control. It soon became apparent that more people around Elijah and his wife Ava were affected by bipolar disorder than they ever imagined.

?Having had first hand experience of the effects of bipolar disorder through our relationship with Cage we can now see after researching into the subject that our response to Cage?s breakdown was unhelpful to him." said Wolf.

"We were reactive and angry and were solely concerned with running our business and
the band and how his actions had inconvenienced us. We were not informed about bipolar disorder and we didn?t know he suffered and so therefore we misread what was really going on.He was just taking the necessary steps he needed to take to look after himself but if you don?t know why someone is doing something and its not clearly communicated you simply cannot understand." said Wolf.

Currently Cage is still recovering from this episode of depression and is not playing with the band.

Richard their sound man continues to work successfully and effectively as he has done for many years but continues to take medication on a daily basis which he feels does not affect his creative ability in any way.

"It is important that people are better informed about bipolar disorder, had we been I think we would have been more helpful and compassionate and this is why we have decided to get involved with Equilibrium and raise awareness." said Wolf.

Watch Reality Check from Elijah Wolf on Vimeo.
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