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Is it too much to expect that as long as I take my medication I should be able to live a normal life?

I am struggling right now. I just got back from holidays. I was really hypomanic and now I've crashed. I feel like I am constantly fighting to manage my moods and it takes so much out of me. When I'm able to coast I wait for the crash. I'm grouchy and irritable and just so tired.

I just want a normal life. Or something that resembles one.
Hopefully now you are back from holidays you can get back to a normal routine that will help your emotions to stay more stable

I am sure when you were on holidays your sleep pattern and eating were not the best Hope also you can talk to your doctor soon if the crash takes you too low hugs


Thanks FMN. When I was on vacation I ate and slept far better than usual and was so well rested. Now I'm just in my usual slump / minor depression. It could be worse I guess.

I haven't bothered to get out of bed today even though I have a million things that really need to be done. I just don't have it in me. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. I just get tired of being bipolar sometimes and wish I could make it go away forever, have predictable moods, etc. Just having a "woe is me" moment.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Sadly, we don't get to choose the cards life deals us. We just get to choose to make the best of what we're dealt, the good and the bad.
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