More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Announcing Facebook Communities Summit Europe
By Nicola Mendelsohn, Vice President, Facebook Europe, Middle East, and Africa
November 22, 2017

Facebook Communities Summit (FCS) is coming to Europe. The event will celebrate community leaders who are using Facebook in Europe to bring people together.

We will host group admins, event organizers and page admins from across the region in London on February 8 and 9, 2018. Whether through a group that connects new mums, a business whose Page promotes healthy lifestyles and supports a neighborhood running group, or an event to raise money for a local cause, what these communities share is a passionate leader.

At FCS Europe, community leaders attending will have the opportunity to join workshops and panels dedicated to learning new skills, applying new tools and getting advice on managing a community. Attendees will connect, learn from, and share experiences with other community leaders, as well as hear from Facebook about the products we?re building to help support safe and supportive communities. We?ll have opportunities for community builders to share their feedback and experiences with us so that we can better support them. Since hosting FCS in Chicago earlier this year, we worked to apply the feedback we heard from attendees, and recently announced some new groups features as a result.

Group admins, event organizers and page admins from Europe are invited to apply here for an invitation to the Facebook Communities Summit. More event details will be shared in the coming months.

This is a free event.

For more information, see Facebook Communities Summit.
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