More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Q: Is there any way I can set things up so that my private messages do not get sent to my email account? I would just like to access things here on the forum.

A: Yes. Go to UserCP | Edit Options. Scroll down to Messaging & Notification. You'll see a series of check boxes. Uncheck any you don't want.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
[How do I] Report a post?

The new vBulletin software has a very convenient feature for reporting

  • duplicate posts
  • posts with weird, garbled, or "funny" characters
  • other problem posts, such as those with offensive or triggering content

At the top right of any post, you will see a little triangle with a red border and an exlamation mark - click on this and it will send a note to all admins and moderators with the post identified.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
[How do I] Disable smilies in a single post?

Normally, if you type certain characters the vBulletin forum software will convert it to a smiley.

For example, typing "8" plus ")" will give you 8).

But what if you want to use those characters and NOT make them turn into a smiley?

The solution is simple.

When you compose your post, scroll down to the bottom until you see the following:

Miscellaneous Options
___ Show your signature
___ Automatically parse links in text
___ Disable smilies in text

and make sure you check the box next to "Disable smilies".

If you notice the error later, simply click "Edit" and then "Go advanced" to get to the main edit page (rather than Quick Reply).

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: closing account

The easiest way to do this is to click the User CP in the top navigation bar on any forum page.

Then click on Edit options.

Now scroll down to where you see this:

Receive Email
From time to time, the administrators may want to send you email notices.

If you do not want to receive these notices, disable this option.
[ ] Receive Email from Administrators
[ ] Subscribe to Psychlinks Forum Newsletter

Format for Psychlinks Forum Newsletter
[ ] HTML if checked. Plain Text if unchecked.

You can allow other members to send you email messages.
[ ] Receive Email from Other Members

Make sure ALL those boxes are UNCHECKED (empty).

The scroll down to where you see:

Default Thread Subscription Mode
When you post a new thread, or reply to a topic, you can choose to automatically add that thread to your list of subscribed threads, with the option to receive email notification of new replies to that thread.

Default Thread Subscription Mode (drop down box):
Do not subscribe
No email notification
Instant email notification
Daily email notification
Weekly email notification
and select No email notification.

Then scroll down to:

Private Messaging
This forum features a private messaging system, which allows members to send messages to one another privately.

If you do not want to send or receive private messages, you may disable the private messaging system.

[ ] Enable Private Messaging

You may limit the receipt of private messages to just moderators and those on your buddy list. Other members who attempt to send messages to you will be told that you have disabled private messaging.

[ ] Receive Private Messages only from Buddies and Moderators

The forum can send a message to your email address to inform you when someone sends you a private message.

[ ] Receive Email Notification of New Private Messages

If you are browsing the forums when you receive a new private message, the system can pop-up a notification box informing you of the new message.
[ ] Show New Private Message Notification Pop-up

Make sure all those boxes are also UNCHECKED (empty).

Important: After making these changes, you MUST scroll down to the very bottom of that options page and click the box that says "Save Changes". Otherwise, nothing will change.

Now, finally, after the page reloads, you should scroll down one more time to:

Default Thread Subscription Mode
When you post a new thread, or reply to a topic, you can choose to automatically add that thread to your list of subscribed threads, with the option to receive email notification of new replies to that thread.

and this time click on that subscribed threads link. This will show you ALL of the threads you are currently receiving notifications about. Unsubscribe to all of them and you're done.

This should stop ALL communications from this forum - new post notifications, newsletters, private message notifications, and emails from other members.


[How do I] Unsubscribe from threads or remove email notifications?

SG, it just occurred to me that you might not be aware of how to keep from getting subscribed to a thread in which you may have posted at one time or another, but which you have no interest in following - or to any thread in which you don't wish to participate.

Go to your Control Panel. Choose Edit Options. In, I think, the second grouping down, there's a drop-down menu. Choose Do Not Subscribe.

Now, when you actually want to subscribe to a thread, you can use the Thread Tools button (drop down menu) at the top of each thread. One of the choices is Subscribe to This Thread. That will keep you from getting subscribed to threads that don't interest you, or threads that you feel might trigger a problem area for you. :)

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Leaving PsychLinks

You can also do that from the User CP. The advantage with this method is you can unsubscribe from multiple threads at one time.

User CP | Subscribed Threads | List Subscriptions

Check the threads for which you no longer wish to receive notifications and then scroll to the bottom of the page. In the drop down box, click "Delete subscriptions" and then click "Go"

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
[How to] Post new threads or reply to existing posts

How to start a New Thread

  1. Click on the forum or subforum in which you want to create the new thread
  2. Click on the "New Thread" button just above the list of current topics in the forum
  3. Enter a title for the thread in the top title box above the main edit window
  4. Type your message
  5. Scroll down past the edit screen until you see buttons marked "Submit New Thread" or "Preview Post", just below the forum message icons
  6. Click on "Submit New Thread"
That's it. You're done. :)

How to reply to a thread/post

Option 1: Quick Reply box

  1. Scroll down to the end of the existing thread or post to the Quick Reply edit box
  2. Type in your reply
  3. Click on "Post Quick Reply" (or "Go Advanced" if you'd rather use the full editing screen with additional editing features)
Option 2: Full reply edit box

  1. Scroll down to the end of the existing thread or post and click on the "Post Reply" button just above the Quick Reply edit box
  2. Type in your reply
  3. Click on the "Submit Reply" button below the main edit box
Option 3: Quote message and reply to it

  1. Click on the "Quote" button at the bottom of the message
  2. Type in your reply below the quoted text (you can also edit the quoted text between the quote tags to quote just a portion of the original message)
  3. Click on the "Submit Reply" button below the main edit box
Option 4: Quote multiple messages and reply to them all in a single post

  1. Click on the "Multi-Quote" button next to the "Quote" button at the bottom of the message
  2. Type in your reply below the quoted text for each of the messages quoted (edit the quotes as in Option 3 if desired)
  3. Click on the "Submit Reply" button below the main edit box
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