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My daughter is no longer covered under our medication plan and ODSP does not cover her ADHD medication strattera so was told to get a form 8 filled out by her psychiatrist. I will pick up this form hopefully Monday when she sees her doctor. Does this form go to the pharmacist or do i have to give it to ODSP representative I have enough of her meds for one more week although she will be going to a program on Wednesday maybe i should wait and give them the form 8. Just want things in order for her before she leaves. Thanks

Daniel E.
I don't know if this is the same Form8.pdf. But, if it is, it is to be faxed or mailed to the address provided on the form. And I assume the physician returns it since s/he can get paid for filling it out according to this page.
Thanks but i don't think it is the right form as it is not work related just for her psychiatric meds she is on for some reason strattera is not covered.
ODSP said to get her psych doctor to fill out this form 8.
I see him Monday so hopefully he should know where it goes if not i will phone ODSP back on Monday as well as they are the ones who said to get it filled out.
Always something to do!!!!
If all else fails ill just buy her the meds they are expensive but if she needs them so be it. thanks for trying though.
i will do that tommorrow i think so when i go to psych doctor with her at least i will have an answer if psychiatrist doctor doesn't. everything will be okay please everything will be okay thanks for responses.


If all else fails ill just buy her the meds they are expensive but if she needs them so be it. thanks for trying though.
You might be able to get samples of the Strattera from her Dr. My psychiatrist supplies me with one of my meds in samples because my disability doesn't cover it.
Just a suggestion.
Yes thanks STP i have done this once already. I wish i would have thought to ask what i do with form when i got it. I will be alright i can ask tommorrow oh God just need calm my brain down abit. Everything is going to happen to fast. I will be okay thanks I will write down to remind me to ask psych doctor tommorrow for more samples just incase. thanks. I want to ask her not to go away i don't want her to go I know it is not what i want it is what she needs right. Would it be wrong for me to ask her not to go but to stay as she is doing so well now.
She is going back to Homewood where she became unstable because she went off all her meds. She is going to a different program that deals with trauma and substance abuse. I won't interfer iwon't ask her anything It is between her and her mental health nurse. Im sorry i asked I know it is about her i know. thanks oh it will all be okay One thing at atime First get form 8 filled out and sent whereever. thanks

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Violet, is this Form 8 the same as the "order for admission" Form 8?

Never mind. That wouldn't be it unless she was charged with something under the Criminal Code. :eek:


I'm assuming that is a rehab facility? And I totally agree with Dr.Baxter. She may be doing "well" but it sounds like she still has a long ways to go. I don't understand why you would even think to ask her to stay if she still has things to deal with. I'm sorry if that is rude of me to say, i don't mean it to be rude, it's just an honest question.:unsure:
I hope you can tell her you love her, wish her well and send her on her way to work on a bright and happy future.:support:
No you or noone would understand why i would ask her to stay but as i said i won't do that.
I will take her wish her the best and pray this time outcome won't be like the last. Yes she has more work to do and yes i have work to do but we both have been so stable so happy oh i understand i do.
Please STP you didnt' upset me im okay, i am you are right everything you said is correct okay. I will wish her well that's all i can do thanks for your advice.
JUst talked with ODSP person said form will be mailed to health dept then they will decide to cover it or not so her psych doctor will look after that. I still not sure if he said form A or 8 i hate talking on phone . Anyways one thing dealt with for now. step 2 doctors appt tonight and tomorrow. Make sure she has enough meds ordered do that tomorrow. Packing and then going I really just don't care anymore i just want it done.over with talked with social worker and she will come over holidays for support as well and will talk with nurse tomorrow just too much feeling overwhelmed want it done over with want it done. i think i need to go away for awhile need to get away just where have to find place safe somwhere
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