More threads by Michael B

Michael B

Hi everybody,:jiggy:

My name is Michael B and I live in So Cal. I have been clean and sober for over 20 yrs my soberity date is 1-15-89. I am also a survivor of childhood sexual abuse which by my fifth grade teacher. The abuse lasted for about most of the school year and happened on a daily basis. Which I have been working thru intensely since last june at Male-survivor web site. And has aided me greatly in my recovery. now have chosen to come to this site to address the abuse and neglect that I suffered from my mother mental illness.

Her illness affected our mother -child attachment bonding. I have always struggled with feeling not being connected with others all my life. And have alot of trouble with intimacy in my marriage and my close relationships. When i get too emotionally close I become afraid of being hurt or abandoned some how by those I care about. I feel am now dealing with the core issues of my life and why I struggle with certain problems. Look forward to addressing and healing these life long issues/problems.

Would really like to haer from others who done some work regarding healing parent-child attachment issues. Just recently began reading about this. Also if i can help others to gain any insight from my journey of recovery feel free to contact me.

Wishing everybody here the best. :haddock:

Michael B
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Account Closed
Re: Glad to be here-New Guy

Hi Michael,

A warm welcome to Psychlinks. And congratulations on 20 years of sobriety! :)

I can relate to many of the emotions you've described in your post. Feel free to post in the forum to ask any questions you may have. Also, we encourage members here to post rather than to communicate off of the forum. This is done for a few reasons. The first one being that our posts always help others here. Maybe people who aren't comfortable asking. So the post and its responses help everyone here, not just the initial poster. :) Also, if communications occur off the forum, some members may be susceptible to potential triggers. Keeping the questions on the forum enables those members to decide whether or not it's safe for them to address the question or whether they should let others respond.

But again, a warm welcome Michael and I'm looking forward to seeing you around the forum. :)
Re: Glad to be here-New Guy

Welcome Michael I am sure there will be many to help you here Love picture of your cat so relaxed mary:jiggy:


Resident Canuck
Re: Glad to be here-New Guy

:congrats: Michael on your 20 years of soberity, that is amazing!

:welcome: to Psychlinks. Glad you joined us.


Re: Glad to be here-New Guy

Hi Michael and welcome to Psychlinks :welcome2:

I am glad that you decided to join us and I hope to see you around :wave:


Re: Glad to be here-New Guy

Welcome to Psychlinks and congratulation on your twenty years!

We hope you will find information that will help, and that you will share your insights with Forum members.

As has been mentioned, private communication on Forum topics defeats the purpose of the Forum, because Forum members cannot benefit from those insights and experience.

Feel free to join in any ongoing discussion or start some of your own.

Re: Glad to be here-New Guy

Hi there - Welcome to Psychlinks. I think you will find this to be a very supportive community of folks. Looking forward to hearing from you.

TG :wave:


Hi Michael B, welcome to the forum!

Congrats on the clean and sober!

I'm sorry to read about your sexual abuse. I understand how you feel regarding this as I spent most of my childhood going through this as well.

I'm happy to read how you told us about it, that you are a Survivor of childhood sexual abuse.

I also understand your struggles with getting emotionally close to people. I had a fabulous mom, however my dad was the abuser in my case, so I never really learned how to have a good relationship with a man, and most of the time when dating I would do something to screw up the relationships where I was treated good, and tended to go towards those that didn't treat me well.

I always said that I build walls around me all the time. Getting to know Dr. Baxter has helped a good deal.

The main thing I can tell you right now, is that you are special and unique. You are, as you stated, a survivor, and that is the most important step of going forward in this.

Stick around, post your feelings, the need to vent if need be, good days and not good days, and there will be many who have walked your road that can come by and try to help you out.

Once again, welcome aboard.

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