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Do you ever watch a movie, see a very happy scene in the movie and remember a time when you were that carefree? When you could just do what felt like fun in the moment, without worrying about anything? :)

Just watched a movie - there was a scene where 2 people started dancing spontaneously to some music that was playing. It took me back to the past when I was that carefree...In that moment, I was both happy and sad. Happy because I'm looking forward to finding that again, sad because I realized just how long it's been since I was that carefree...:)


This also reminds me of when you are out somewhere and you smell something and it reminds you of a good time (it can go the other way to of course).

You'll find that "happy" again. :support:


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Thanks STP...I'm definitely working on it. I didn't mean to sound so down about the whole thing.:D I am optimistic and hopeful to get there again very soon. :)

Thank you for your support STP :hug:
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