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I predict that More Attention. Less Deficit by Ari Tuckman will become the Feeling Good for the topic of Adult ADHD. It is written in chunks, somewhat similarly to "chapters" in the Don't Sweat the Small Stuff series. This makes it much more doable for its intended audience.

He also has brief recordings of readings, which he labels as "podcasts" (5 - 7 minutes) at I strongly encourage both resources for therapists and those who may (or do) have Adult ADHD.

Mike Miller, PhD
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Re: GREAT book on Adult ADHD

Thanks for the heads-up. I've had Delivered From Distraction (revised and updated from Driven to Distraction) for over a year and I still haven't gotten all the way through it. I pick it up and randomly open it to read a few pages and then forget about it again. It's a great book and I've gleaned useful and encouraging ideas from it, but know.

Regardless of my history of starting books that I never finish reading, I'm always open to buying a new one when it's recommended and piques my interest, and "more attention, less deficit" is certainly my philosophy on the fascinating way my brain operates. I'll report back to this thread in, oh...maybe a year or so and let you know how I like it so far. ;)
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