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I came across something that had said that the US government had allegedly caused the Haiti earthquake with HAARP. I had never heard of this before but find it rather disturbing.

May trigger :confused:
YouTube - Haiti EarthQuake H.A.A.R.P 2010

There is a better video by some Ventura guy, (I don't remember his first name because "Ace" pops into my head, an ex senator?), it's not as drab but personally I wonder about him. :confused:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
1. There have been "strange weather phenomena including massive floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes" since the dawn of time, long before HAARP.

2. Why on earth would the US or any other government want to target Haiti? for any reason? using any technology? Haiti is one of the poorest countries on the globe. They have nothing the US needs. They are certainly not a political or military or financial threat to anyone.

3. Conspiracy theories are always silly. Sometimes, they are downright silly.


Why not? lol It makes sense to me. Maybe not the mind control but weather control I can see.

As I said I don't know about that Ventura guy, I have never heard of him before.
I didn't say they targetted Haiti. Someone said they thought it was the cause of their earthquake.

No? I just figure if they can do cloud seeding which is small, why couldn't they do that? Is this a pointless question, you two anti conspiracy theory people. lol

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I think that one of the attraction of conspiracy theories is that natural disasters like the Haiti earthquake are inherently uncertain and frightening. If people can believe is had a predictable cause and effect, it (a) gives them someone to blame and (b) allows them to believe in a more certain and predictable universe, and they find comfort in that.


I can see that. There does usually have to be someone to blame. I don't know how they can explain what these 6 stations all over the world are for. Why would you need a big grid of that many concentrated antenna's all over the word? There's something going on there.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I can see that. There does usually have to be someone to blame. I don't know how they can explain what these 6 stations all over the world are for. Why would you need a big grid of that many concentrated antenna's all over the word? There's something going on there.

Not at all. There are a LOT of reasons why industry and government would like to be able to better predict weather patterns. The US suffers major costs financially and in terms of human suffering and loss of life every year from hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes. They have a vested interest in trying to minimize those costs. That's the simple, logical, rational explanation for why they have these stations. The comspiracy theory explanation is just unnecessary and inherently less plausible.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Yeah, I think that they are doing something with the weather.

No, not "doing something with the weather"... that would imply they are doing something to manipulate the weather and I doubt that they have that capability, at least at present.

They are doing research into weather prediction.


lol I didn't mean it to sound like you said that and I agreed. That's how it reads, but that's not what I meant. lol
I was saying I think it's something to do with the weather, research, usually requires testing things out somewhere along the line. Like i said below, I think if they can do a little thing like cloud seeding, then this shouldn't be that big of a stretch. lol It's really not something that will cross my mind again after this thread goes away, I was just putting it out there and saying how I can see somethings being realistic and others not so much. I had never heard of this before today.


Has anyone heard of....


not good at explaining it all so here's a linky link

Is HAARP Causing The Earthquakes, Volcanoes to Erupt and The Ice to Melt down the page a little it explains how HAARP is causing all these disasters, ive been looking into it all alot lately and this is what i believe. I was reading about echelon as well.. that spies on us all, but i found this HAARP more intresting, had never heard of it before.

What do you think? i thought it would be intresting to bring up :)


had no idea there was already a thread about this :) thanks for the thread link!

STP.. we think so much alike! lol

I have been looking into this a lot and its true about this, here is the link i posted on the other thread i started Is HAARP Causing The Earthquakes, Volcanoes to Erupt and The Ice to Melt it is more than powerfull enough to cause these disaters thats been happening. if you have a read at that story on the page it explains it really really well. Im not sure though whether it was HAARP that caused this volcano or it was them that erupted their own volcano, but this world is a scary place.
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