More threads by David Baxter PhD


Happy Anniversary PL!

I am going to make a cake big enough for every single member here to have a piece!



Happy 6th Anniversary! Many thanks for such a supportive and informative site. Wishing you many more successful years.

PS the cyber cake sounds lovely - my favourite is carrot cake but any flavour is great. :birthdaycandles:


Happy Anniversary...cake, yummy!!! Six years. Did PL start out as BusBoard or something like that before it became PL. I remember, least I think I do, hmmm...seniors moments but at one point I belonged to a group that was called BusBoard way back and thought it then became PL. Anyway, so happy PL is here and celebrating 6 years of caring and sharing.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Did PL start out as BusBoard or something like that before it became PL. I remember, least I think I do, hmmm...seniors moments but at one point I belonged to a group that was called BusBoard way back and thought it then became PL.

No, it has always been Psychlinks. We used different software (phpBB and then SMF) before vBulletin, but it was always called Psychlinks.


Account Closed
Congratulations! Dr. Baxter, administrators, moderators and positive members have helped thousands of people by creating and maintaining this forum. Thank you for helping me by creating a web place to share experiences and learn.
Congratulation Dr Baxter.
Thanks to everyone for all they do here to help others and for all the information that is on the forum that has help people move forward and give insight into what may be happening to themselves and to people they care about.


Congratulations, Psychlinks!
Thanks to everyone who participates and also to David and the admins for your hard work and dedication!
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