More threads by forgetmenot

Wishing for your mind to have rest
Your soul to have peace
You heart to mend and heal
and for all that are alone
i hope that you find at least one friend
that is REAL that will bring you some connection to a world outside
take care of you everyone Happy New Years

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Happy New Year Everyone!

Let's hope that we all find what we need to find in 2016!

Stay safe tonight... Don't drive if you're impaired by anything, including sleep deprivation.

Note to forgetmenot:

Your post from earlier this evening did not post correctly - there may have been a database error or something but in any case it was just a blank page which originally produced an error after it time out. I had to delete it.

I was able to resurrect the post and merge it with this one... :)


Re: Happy New Year Everyone!

All the best wishes to you as a member of our Psychlinks friendship group. Health, happiness and peace for everyday in the New Year.

Don't drive if you're impaired by anything, including sleep deprivation.

...and always watch out for those old fogeys on the road...I might be one of them..:lol:

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